Hello, I am tired of people going on the message boards and whine and complain about wild bolters, chain stunners, and judgement. Last I checked, the message boards were used to share information and experiences, NOT to whine and complain and keep telling KI to change it or they will leave Wizard101 forever. ALSO, instead of complaining and whining, why dont you just build up a stategy and use cards that will help prevent these? For example, use tower shields on judgement and it will help you. Like I just said, the message boards isnt for complaining and whining, at least just STOP AND THINK, hey can i use stuff to beat wild bolt? oh yea there is, storm shields. And so on. If I expressed this harshly, I am sorry, but this whining and complaining on the message boards needs to stop!
but your complaining about people complaining on the message boards, on the message boards, so correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't that make you sterotypical?
but your complaining about people complaining on the message boards, on the message boards, so correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't that make you sterotypical?
the people that said i was sterotypic and a hypicrit, you are wrong. and i am complaining about the people complaining about judgement, chain stun, and wild bolt. So read the whole thing again
but your complaining about people complaining on the message boards, on the message boards, so correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't that make you sterotypical?
more like making him a hipicrit
I AM NOT a hypicrit so dont be calling me names like that