Ok so today I was playing a PvP ranked match against a corporal fire wizard [50]. I was first so I get to attack and stuff before he could. It went pretty good till he used a convert ( Fire to Ice ) because I already had a fire shield. After he used a convert I hoped I would get an Glacial Shield ( Fire spell: Ice and Storm shield ) up. I did, so I used it and then the opponent used an Immolate, Guess what? You think the shield should shield me huh? Well it DIDN'T!!! Why is it like that?
CONCLUSION: If he used a convert of fire to ice, then next round since I'm first I used a Glacial shield that has ice and storm shield before he could attack. He did, with Immolate, so the convert converts the fire damage to ice damage, then again I have the ice shield on me that is suppose to protect me against the spell, which it didn't! KI please fix this issue or I won't PvP till then.
Travis Smith Grand Fire 50 David Deathblade Master Death 42 Timothy Lifecaster Adept Life 27 Cody Pants Adept Myth 24 :-) ................... Initiate Storm 14 .................. Initiate Ice 13
The problem is that you put the Ice shield up AFTER he already laid down his convert. That means that the damage is still Fire after it passes your Ice shield. It then hits his convert and changes to Ice damage, which allowed it to bypass your Fire shield.
Shields, traps and prisms are triggered in the opposite order that they went down (last to first). Blades, positive and negative charms are used in the order they were on.
Even tho you see them rotating around you in a nice circle, think of them as being on separate layered spirals and you'll be able to determine the order of what is going to be triggered.
What you needed to do after he placed the prism (convert) on you, was to lay another fire shield down. Your "new" shield would have blocked the initial fire damage, then that damage would be converted to Ice damage.
Ok so today I was playing a PvP ranked match against a corporal fire wizard [50]. I was first so I get to attack and stuff before he could. It went pretty good till he used a convert ( Fire to Ice ) because I already had a fire shield. After he used a convert I hoped I would get an Glacial Shield ( Fire spell: Ice and Storm shield ) up. I did, so I used it and then the opponent used an Immolate, Guess what? You think the shield should shield me huh? Well it DIDN'T!!! Why is it like that?
CONCLUSION: If he used a convert of fire to ice, then next round since I'm first I used a Glacial shield that has ice and storm shield before he could attack. He did, with Immolate, so the convert converts the fire damage to ice damage, then again I have the ice shield on me that is suppose to protect me against the spell, which it didn't! KI please fix this issue or I won't PvP till then.
Travis Smith Grand Fire 50 David Deathblade Master Death 42 Timothy Lifecaster Adept Life 27 Cody Pants Adept Myth 24 :-) ................... Initiate Storm 14 .................. Initiate Ice 13
i am very sry to tell you that you got matched with a noob and yet you still lost. google warlord matches, no pros would use convert, and shame on you that you a grand and yet not know how convert works.
here is a tip, ice shield will trigger before fire convert not after. fire shield will trigger after covnert not before.