Make is so that you do not lose if you run out of cards. There will only be the option of passing if you are completely out of cards. The reason I say this is because you may still win even though you are out of cards. You may still have a minion on the field that could still kill your opponent. Or you might have a pet that casts an attack spell such as locust storm. Even if both players are completely out of cards and you have a pet that attacks or a minion on the field you may still not win because your opponent may have a pet that can heal them faster than you are doing damage. Once both players have passed for 10 turns in a row then the game is declared a stale mate and the result is a draw.
Wow! 10 rounds of nothing! Sounds like an amazing idea! No. It isn't. In fact in my opinion it's awful. If my opponent ran out of cards, they lost. That's it, they can't do anything, they are defenseless, they can't heal, they can't attack. If the 10 rounds continue, only thing that could be keeping them alive is their pet if it heals constantly.
Make is so that you do not lose if you run out of cards. There will only be the option of passing if you are completely out of cards. The reason I say this is because you may still win even though you are out of cards. You may still have a minion on the field that could still kill your opponent. Or you might have a pet that casts an attack spell such as locust storm. Even if both players are completely out of cards and you have a pet that attacks or a minion on the field you may still not win because your opponent may have a pet that can heal them faster than you are doing damage. Once both players have passed for 10 turns in a row then the game is declared a stale mate and the result is a draw.
I totally agree with this 100% percent. Many times my lvl 10 ice and my opponent runs out of cards so then it becomes a battle with whoever can stay in the match the longest lol.
This happened to me on my baby fire wizard. She was only level 17 and therefore could not train reshuffle, so I had no choice but to keep passing.
As it were, the other person had also run out of cards. And so we both just kept passing... after about 10 minutes, a notification popped up saying I won. By that point, it was just a matter of who got impatient first, lol.
This happened to me on my baby fire wizard. She was only level 17 and therefore could not train reshuffle, so I had no choice but to keep passing.
As it were, the other person had also run out of cards. And so we both just kept passing... after about 10 minutes, a notification popped up saying I won. By that point, it was just a matter of who got impatient first, lol.
We all know how to avoid the situation. Please stop bringing it up like we didn't know. I will admit that the situation is very rare and it doesn't happen very often. But it does sometimes happen, and when it does this is how it should be, instead of how it happens now. MiguelThefirst said my idea was stupid because there would be ten rounds of just passing before the match ended. Explain to me how what we have at the moment is better? Instead of passing ten rounds in a row we have each player holding onto one card and passing endlessly with the battle never ending because neither player wants to flee.
sure, but a brand-new player (which i was, back then) wouldn't know that, unless they were told.
speaking of reshuffle, i hate having to pack umpteen of them now. my balance wizard doesn't care, since she can use power pips on them, but the rest (who do not have mastery amulets and have to waste 8 pips to do it) find it more than a little inconvenient.
reshuffle was fine as it was; if i were ki, i would have left it alone.