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Rounding Errors?!

Jan 10, 2009
I was just in a match where my opponent had 3.3k health left and my Smore Machine did 3.4k.... It showed that they died on my screen.

I also had a minion who was about to cast a bubble. However, after my smore hit, nothing else happened on my screen during my turn.

All of a sudden, my opponent is shown with nearly 700 HP and they cast a Smore that does 2.4k on me with 2.7k HP. I tank with approximately 300 HP on my screen.

Then out of no where Diego bursts onto the screen and awards my opponent with the win??? How does this happen?

I hope I described the situation properly. My opponent died on my screen. I tanked on my screen. Yet somehow all of this was incorrect and there was some sort of rounding error that gave them the win? I don't get it. Why does this happen? Is it a known issue being worked on? Help please.