When I go to 4v4s I often come across trolls who just sit in a match all day, not confirming, and just AFKing the entire time. This gets me a bit frustrated... they can't be kicked because people get impatient and don't wait for the auto-kicker, and there isn't a kick function, so I'm stuck with this ALOT. Devs, please add something to fix this, some people want to PvP without having to put up with this.
I agree. When I was a lower level and saw 4v4s, I always wanted to join. Maybe if they don't accept within a minute or two they should be forced out of their slot and replaced with people who will try to play.
I agree. When I was a lower level and saw 4v4s, I always wanted to join. Maybe if they don't accept within a minute or two they should be forced out of their slot and replaced with people who will try to play.
They get forced out after a minute and thirty seconds