player verses player is ridiculous, it is an unfair advantage almost all of the time. why is it that a level 20 wizard can get 50% resistance, and become a warlord, and get warlord gear, and I can't even find anything near that, and I am level 76. every time you level, or at least every other level your damage boost, your resistance, black rating, critical, healing boost, and power pip should increase. why is it that the higher the level it seems the worse gear gets? when your a promethean you should have far more better gear verses someone that is a lower level than you. player verses player, in my opinion, should be only for people at least level 70, and up, and you should not be paired up with a warlord if your a private. it is a automatic win for the warlord. and I don't want to hear that "it is at random, and you get paired up with anyone" because I don't think its a coincidence that every time I battle, I fight sergeants, captains, commanders, and warlords. I almost never fight someone my rank. WAY OVER half the time it is someone a higher rank then me. and I say that is very unfair. privates should fight privates, corporals should fight corporals, commanders should fight commanders, warlords should fight warlords, and so on, and so forth. you guys are changing the ages, why don't you change the rules too? because your just giving those people who have unfair advantages over others a chance to get up to warlord, all over again. and no one else can get up there with them and no I don't find it impressive when there is a level five warlord. I find it impressive when someone who is a very high level has been in hundreds of battles, and is a warlord. not someone who gets their luck shielding, and resisting, and doing the same strategy...... scratch that, the same typical move every other "warlord" of their statures do. I think you guys seriously need to change the rules because its just the same stuff all over again when you guys do the ages. you say all schools are equal, and the rules are fair? then make it that way, because as of this standpoint, I beg to differ.
Yes! So many good threads! Bring back skill! Now quoting "player versus player, in my opinion, should only be for people level 70 and up," is not very nice to lower levels. I like level 35 PvP because it's fun and simple.
player verses player is ridiculous, it is an unfair advantage almost all of the time. why is it that a level 20 wizard can get 50% resistance, and become a warlord, and get warlord gear, and I can't even find anything near that, and I am level 76. every time you level, or at least every other level your damage boost, your resistance, black rating, critical, healing boost, and power pip should increase. why is it that the higher the level it seems the worse gear gets? when your a promethean you should have far more better gear verses someone that is a lower level than you. player verses player, in my opinion, should be only for people at least level 70, and up, and you should not be paired up with a warlord if your a private. it is a automatic win for the warlord. and I don't want to hear that "it is at random, and you get paired up with anyone" because I don't think its a coincidence that every time I battle, I fight sergeants, captains, commanders, and warlords. I almost never fight someone my rank. WAY OVER half the time it is someone a higher rank then me. and I say that is very unfair. privates should fight privates, corporals should fight corporals, commanders should fight commanders, warlords should fight warlords, and so on, and so forth. you guys are changing the ages, why don't you change the rules too? because your just giving those people who have unfair advantages over others a chance to get up to warlord, all over again. and no one else can get up there with them and no I don't find it impressive when there is a level five warlord. I find it impressive when someone who is a very high level has been in hundreds of battles, and is a warlord. not someone who gets their luck shielding, and resisting, and doing the same strategy...... scratch that, the same typical move every other "warlord" of their statures do. I think you guys seriously need to change the rules because its just the same stuff all over again when you guys do the ages. you say all schools are equal, and the rules are fair? then make it that way, because as of this standpoint, I beg to differ.
Disagree completely. First off, in my opinion level 30 PvP is more fun with the new mega crit stuff going on in the high levels today. Honestly, count how many corporals play at once in the arena. Now count how many are the same level as each other. Probably not many, around 1-2 per level area. And do you know the reason I have 53 resist? Its because I WORKED FOR IT. What level are you? Cause from the way your complaining it sounds like my level 30 Warlord could beat you. Develop a strategy. Remember, this game is about STRATEGY. Can I say it again? Yep. STRATEGY. Who gets their luck shielding? You act like prometheans don't shield. Of course they do. Its a part of the game. And Warlords do fight Warlords, are you kidding me? The reason they fight you is because they have so much rank they had to find privates to pair them against who are higher level than they are. An example would be: I am a level 30 Balance Warlord, now in this match I get paired against a level 50 Warlord, seem fair? No it doesn't, but I don't care. I beat him using strategy in the end anyways. But the point is, we get unfair matches too. When you get 1600 rank like me I'll start to consider your complaints.