pvp is totaly messed up now with polymorphes. players that are only lvl ten can easily get the treasure cards (if they've got a grandmaster or a lot of money and a grandmaster friend) and its IMPOSSIBLE to beat them. a lvl ten usualy have around 1,000 but when they polymorph they get WAY more. evan the storm polymorph doubles their life. I could easily do the same with my balance grandmaster but i like an honest clean game. i evan avoid using my satyr hybrid, and i think everyone should do the same Anyway i think the soulution should be either making the cards lvl 45 and up OR making using them in pvp a reportable thing OR making it not allowed on pvp (preffrably thr latter)
pvp is totaly messed up now with polymorphes. players that are only lvl ten can easily get the treasure cards (if they've got a grandmaster or a lot of money and a grandmaster friend) and its IMPOSSIBLE to beat them. a lvl ten usualy have around 1,000 but when they polymorph they get WAY more. evan the storm polymorph doubles their life. I could easily do the same with my balance grandmaster but i like an honest clean game. i evan avoid using my satyr hybrid, and i think everyone should do the same Anyway i think the soulution should be either making the cards lvl 45 and up OR making using them in pvp a reportable thing OR making it not allowed on pvp (preffrably thr latter)
JUst like chain stunning, this is a winning strategy that is maybe a little bit unfair. But is still a strategy. Not really some cheat. 8)
poly is totaly unfair in pvp they should bann the card from use in pvp after all i pvp to pitt my deck aginst one some one else has built themselves not a pregen over powered deck that adds crits and blocks and is just flat out cheating you get an oponet down to 300 hp the morph and have 2500 hp and then crit you next round for 1200 i don't see how that is fair at all IMO poly should have a no pvp restriction added.
All treasure cards should be lvl restricted... Its pretty bad when saying that removing lvl restrictions from equipment and area's would more a balanced playing field.
Agreed. I am so proud of my level 5 Fire getting to Warlord and full gear, but now with the Polymorphers, I have retired her from ranked until it is fixed, as all the work I have done to build her can be undone with a Polymorph card, and I am not going to lower myself to become a Polymorpher or a treasure user to win.