1.When a pet heals a player that heal should only be boosted by the players incoming healing since you do not cast the heal yourself with the exception of may cast unicorn which would still heal only the owner based on both their heal boosts and everyone else for just their incoming boost.(pets have no outgoing heal stat after all)
2.When a negative charm is cast on the player pets should not be able to remove them when they cast a spell unless there is a may cast cleanse charm(would be epic) example would be is if a life dispel is placed on a player their pet would still be able to cast sprite,fairy,unicorn without removing the dispel it is after all placed on you not your pet which cant be targeted.
3.Card talents that are learned when leveling a pet up are not entirely useless but not very good they could give more cards as your pet levels up like a pet that learns a life blade card talent it would give one extra blade at ancient and mega for a total of 3 blades your pet gives you this would only apply to charms,shields,traps, and healing cards.
1.When a pet heals a player that heal should only be boosted by the players incoming healing since you do not cast the heal yourself with the exception of may cast unicorn which would still heal only the owner based on both their heal boosts and everyone else for just their incoming boost.(pets have no outgoing heal stat after all)
2.When a negative charm is cast on the player pets should not be able to remove them when they cast a spell unless there is a may cast cleanse charm(would be epic) example would be is if a life dispel is placed on a player their pet would still be able to cast sprite,fairy,unicorn without removing the dispel it is after all placed on you not your pet which cant be targeted.
3.Card talents that are learned when leveling a pet up are not entirely useless but not very good they could give more cards as your pet levels up like a pet that learns a life blade card talent it would give one extra blade at ancient and mega for a total of 3 blades your pet gives you this would only apply to charms,shields,traps, and healing cards.
1. When a pet heals a player, that heal IS only boosted by the players incoming unless that player also has a healing charm or life bubble in place.
2. Life dispels will cause a pet's MC heal to fizz even though it removes the dispel. As annoying as it can be, I don't have a problem with this. There are only a very few Negative charms that can be cancelled out with a Pet's MC. Weakness, and the -90% can't be removed by a pet's casts. Not sure about Smokescreen since in most cases that I have been hit with it, I get rid of it myself with my own casts.
3. Card talents can be useful depending on what they are. But I don't really want my pets giving me that many cards. I would prefer to have Proof, Defy, Spell Proof or Shot with a couple of heals. I already have a couple of pets that I have stopped training after the 3rd card talent showed up. I don't train them for this.
1.When a pet heals a player that heal should only be boosted by the players incoming healing since you do not cast the heal yourself with the exception of may cast unicorn which would still heal only the owner based on both their heal boosts and everyone else for just their incoming boost.(pets have no outgoing heal stat after all)
2.When a negative charm is cast on the player pets should not be able to remove them when they cast a spell unless there is a may cast cleanse charm(would be epic) example would be is if a life dispel is placed on a player their pet would still be able to cast sprite,fairy,unicorn without removing the dispel it is after all placed on you not your pet which cant be targeted.
3.Card talents that are learned when leveling a pet up are not entirely useless but not very good they could give more cards as your pet levels up like a pet that learns a life blade card talent it would give one extra blade at ancient and mega for a total of 3 blades your pet gives you this would only apply to charms,shields,traps, and healing cards.
No. There should be no special rules regarding pets or their abilities for PvP or anything else. Pets are what they are.
Yea, i agree pets in pvp are basically "Healers" which save the attacker lots of pips, and some of us don't have amazing healing pets like them, so its unfair that they get this advantage over others. Its almost like cheating but in an indirect way
1. When a pet heals a player, that heal IS only boosted by the players incoming unless that player also has a healing charm or life bubble in place.
2. Life dispels will cause a pet's MC heal to fizz even though it removes the dispel. As annoying as it can be, I don't have a problem with this. There are only a very few Negative charms that can be cancelled out with a Pet's MC. Weakness, and the -90% can't be removed by a pet's casts. Not sure about Smokescreen since in most cases that I have been hit with it, I get rid of it myself with my own casts.
3. Card talents can be useful depending on what they are. But I don't really want my pets giving me that many cards. I would prefer to have Proof, Defy, Spell Proof or Shot with a couple of heals. I already have a couple of pets that I have stopped training after the 3rd card talent showed up. I don't train them for this.
1. I just tested may cast fairy with 26%incoming and 22%outgoing no healing charm no sanctuary, and i was healed for 736 so it boosts the heal using both.
2.It is annoying but i guess your right not too big a deal.
3.Its just to make card talents better for the players who actually want them stacking more blades and weakness is always helpful but 3 could be a bit much so 2 would probably be best.
Yea, i agree pets in pvp are basically "Healers" which save the attacker lots of pips, and some of us don't have amazing healing pets like them, so its unfair that they get this advantage over others. Its almost like cheating but in an indirect way
Pet talents can be many things, not just healing. Just because you don't have an amazing pet doesn't mean it's unfair for others to have one, or what you consider (sort of) cheating.
Many of us hatch and hatch and hatch. We spend millions and millions of gold trying to hatch what we consider the 'perfect' pet. Even people without crowns can have amazing pets. The tools are all there, but it takes time and patience, if you're willing to work at it.
1. When a pet heals a player, that heal IS only boosted by the players incoming unless that player also has a healing charm or life bubble in place.
2. Life dispels will cause a pet's MC heal to fizz even though it removes the dispel. As annoying as it can be, I don't have a problem with this. There are only a very few Negative charms that can be cancelled out with a Pet's MC. Weakness, and the -90% can't be removed by a pet's casts. Not sure about Smokescreen since in most cases that I have been hit with it, I get rid of it myself with my own casts.
3. Card talents can be useful depending on what they are. But I don't really want my pets giving me that many cards. I would prefer to have Proof, Defy, Spell Proof or Shot with a couple of heals. I already have a couple of pets that I have stopped training after the 3rd card talent showed up. I don't train them for this.
1. Wrong; Outgoing and incoming heals BOTH affect pets may cast heals. If you don't believe it, then grab a ring that gives outgoing, get rid of all your incoming, and go wand a raven until your pet starts casting.
2. "Life dispels will cause a pet's MC heal to fizz even though it removes the dispel." Not sure if you just phrased it really badly, or if you actually mean that when a pet removes a life dispel through use of a may cast spell the may cast will fizzle. Because that's a little bit obvious. As to the "only a few negative charms that can be cancelled out.", yes of course smokescreen can be removed by a pets cast, and that pet pretty much always makes the cast anyways, and may cast Locust Swarm and may cast Snow Serpent talents are still out there and can still remove weakness.
3. Here I agree with you all the way. Although I think you might have accidentally repeated yourself saying Proof and Spell Proof, unless you meant Storm-Proof or something. Anytime a pet gets a "Gives 1 card!" type talent, it has immediately gone from having potential to being a complete waste. I have to say though, I am impressed you managed to get triple card giving stats on a pet, that must be a lot of fun to discard through.
Yea, i agree pets in pvp are basically "Healers" which save the attacker lots of pips, and some of us don't have amazing healing pets like them, so its unfair that they get this advantage over others. Its almost like cheating but in an indirect way
Those players took the time and effort to hatch "healing" pets. It's your loss if you refuse to take the time to do it. The only one "cheating" is you, cheating yourself out of something you can use.
This would be a good idea, but pet heals would still be overpowered. Sometimes, people have pets that heal them 3 times a round for over 1000 each. This would lower the heals, but the pets would still heal just as often. I think that kingisle needs to lower how much pets cast heals. I also like the second suggestion. Pets could not waste all of your infections and life dispels. The third suggestion might make card talents more useless. If the fireblade card on one of my first pets gave 3 of them, then it might actually be useful. As it is, it just sits in my inventory gathering dust, because I have better pets now. A problem with this: imagine a level 5 getting 3 firezilla cards from a pet. (or even something like triton) This would be a bit overpowered in low level pvp.
This would be a good idea, but pet heals would still be overpowered. Sometimes, people have pets that heal them 3 times a round for over 1000 each. This would lower the heals, but the pets would still heal just as often. I think that kingisle needs to lower how much pets cast heals. I also like the second suggestion. Pets could not waste all of your infections and life dispels. The third suggestion might make card talents more useless. If the fireblade card on one of my first pets gave 3 of them, then it might actually be useful. As it is, it just sits in my inventory gathering dust, because I have better pets now. A problem with this: imagine a level 5 getting 3 firezilla cards from a pet. (or even something like triton) This would be a bit overpowered in low level pvp.
I wrote it would only apply to charms,shields,traps,and healing card giving talents your pets manifest when they level up.
1. Wrong; Outgoing and incoming heals BOTH affect pets may cast heals. If you don't believe it, then grab a ring that gives outgoing, get rid of all your incoming, and go wand a raven until your pet starts casting.
2. "Life dispels will cause a pet's MC heal to fizz even though it removes the dispel." Not sure if you just phrased it really badly, or if you actually mean that when a pet removes a life dispel through use of a may cast spell the may cast will fizzle. Because that's a little bit obvious. As to the "only a few negative charms that can be cancelled out.", yes of course smokescreen can be removed by a pets cast, and that pet pretty much always makes the cast anyways, and may cast Locust Swarm and may cast Snow Serpent talents are still out there and can still remove weakness.
3. Here I agree with you all the way. Although I think you might have accidentally repeated yourself saying Proof and Spell Proof, unless you meant Storm-Proof or something. Anytime a pet gets a "Gives 1 card!" type talent, it has immediately gone from having potential to being a complete waste. I have to say though, I am impressed you managed to get triple card giving stats on a pet, that must be a lot of fun to discard through.
Mason ShadowwraithPromethean
1. Clarification: The pet owner is only healed by the incoming, Pets do not have outgoing boosts to team mates so only their own incoming affects them. Outgoing DOES NOT affect the pet owner. Outgoing only works when the WIZARD casts the heal.
2. You said the same thing I did just worded differently
3. No, I did not accidentally repeat my self. I actually have a pet that has PROOF 10%, SPELL PROOF 5% and Defy 5%.
4. The Triple card Pet is not being used in battle. That pet is roaming around one of my houses and I will not hatch with it again.
@ Aaron SpellThief: I have from my own experience seen pets go on a healing frenzy in one battle then not heal again for several following battles. MC heals are just as random as many other things in this game.
If PvPers are so adamant about nerfing pets that were basically designed to aide players in PvE, then I suggest, that KI create a pet/s that are SPECIFICALLY without question designed for the ARENA ONLY without the option to hatch with PvE pets.
@ Marsin123, any player that relies solely on their pets to heal them and not carry heals in their decks are going to be in for a surprise sooner or later. As a Life wizard, with a fairly decent pet with only 1 MC heal (Fairy), I still carry heals in all of my battle decks. I solo a lot so when I am with someone else, I have to adjust my heals to include Team Play. All of my wizards carry heals and do not solely rely on a pet to heal me.
OldStormWizard is right. Take the time to hatch and train your own pets. Everyone else that has them has spent hours and weeks or more to hatch and train. You are only cheating yourself if you don't.
Well its just another way all these so called warlords have more advantage killing smaller people smaller then they are and i don't think its right or FAIR they get to keep their status as warlord by killing smaller ranked people then they are. these healing pets are out of control for warlords in PVP. Heck my pets heals GOOD when out and fighting in quests, but the minute i got to PVP they SUX and rarely heal while their pets are healing after we hit them every time...why is that?? These warlords told me if i didn't like the way they cheat to leave or join them...!) i don't like to cheat and 2) i like a good fair fight, is that so bad? I need pointers or for someone to help me figure out this pet stuff and how to get my pet to heal off the wall like they have >:(..TY... Scarlet
Well now since these healing pets can remove life dispels. Gnomes after effect is rendered basically useless because of pets that like to cast sprite twice in one round. It really annoys me, I wish they couldn't remove the dispels.