Quit whining about how unfair wild bolt is. I would gladly trade off bolt, if KI would give diviners a REAL DoT or a more effective minion. What I mean by this is I would love to have a DoT that cost two pips and did damage in the same range as fire elf, only storm. Or maybe make diviners able to summon a minion like the water elemental that balance is able to call with elemental minion. I would even be happy with a storm heal spell, so I don't have to always worry about my opponent using entangle on me. Wild bolt is the first card I would give up from the storm school, to get any one of these abilities that most of the other schools have. It's frustrating/amusing to watch duelists throw out a volcanic or storm shield first thing just on the off chance their opponent may use a wild bolt. How much do you think other players will be asking for wild bolt to come back when diviners are taking down all those shields with a DoT or a minion that does something like every other minion in the game?
Oh and please don't argue back that storm has storm hound, mutate lightning elf, or the lightning elf pet. Those are simply halfstep measures. I'm talking about a storm native spell I can pack seven of into a deck and wreak havoc on your carefully planned defense with Krakens and Tritons :-)
bolt has been fizzling quite a lot now to reflect the cast rate it is supposed to have, at one time bolt seemed to be constantly casting and failing less often then high casting percentage cards, that isn't the case now though... my bolts are failing to cast most of the time and when playing with other storms I also see their bolts failing just the same both in and out of PvP... in PvP they might seem to work more often as people make treasure cards for them with higher targeting percentages and often wear some equipment gear that further increases their casting percentages
at the present I don't think there is any reason to complain about wild bolt, I play storm and I often think those playing on my side who use wild bolt are hurting us more than helping us as their pips drop preventing them from making quicker mass attacks that helps us way more than their 1v1 hit that slows us way down
I've actually quit playing my storm in pvp due to this. Due to the high number of storm shields and dispels playing storm is a huge headache in 1v1 pvp.
I fizzle and get blocked by shields, they stack a couple and game over. I have to either discard to get a wand or use some low level storm spell which wastes a turn to shield my low health.
All classes have to do is cast a few storm shields and then build pips to kill my low health storm easily.
bolt has been fizzling quite a lot now to reflect the cast rate it is supposed to have, at one time bolt seemed to be constantly casting and failing less often then high casting percentage cards, that isn't the case now though... my bolts are failing to cast most of the time and when playing with other storms I also see their bolts failing just the same both in and out of PvP... in PvP they might seem to work more often as people make treasure cards for them with higher targeting percentages and often wear some equipment gear that further increases their casting percentages
at the present I don't think there is any reason to complain about wild bolt, I play storm and I often think those playing on my side who use wild bolt are hurting us more than helping us as their pips drop preventing them from making quicker mass attacks that helps us way more than their 1v1 hit that slows us way down
Try reading the entire post before commenting. I don't think the OP was actually complaining about wild bolt. If you had actually read the post, you would have saw that they said they would gladly trade bolt for a DoT spell like what some of the other schools have.
I have to agree. I have 5 Grandmasters and I have been in the arena with all of them and Fire's DoT spells make it very hard to shield against. Since most people automatically shield against storm, a DoT spell for storm would be great! It would have to be a lower hitting spell though to balance out the fact that storm already has enough high hitting spells in their arsenal.
I have to agree. I have 5 Grandmasters and I have been in the arena with all of them and Fire's DoT spells make it very hard to shield against. Since most people automatically shield against storm, a DoT spell for storm would be great! It would have to be a lower hitting spell though to balance out the fact that storm already has enough high hitting spells in their arsenal.
Perhaps storm doesn't need a new spell for this but rather a new class of wands should be introduced that give four attack cards that attacks all rather than 1v1. Such wands would make things a lot easier in terms of clearing out shields.
A low pip DoT spell can make storm overpowered. However, I think it is a good idea to give storm a better minion. This is because using minion requires more skills and judgment than casting DoT and bolt.
Wild bolt is not overpowered by itself. However, when players get the best gear, pet and treasure card to boost its accuracy, it is somewhat cheap. But currently, storm needs to bolt because there is no good way to break shield going second.
Agletizer... if you read my post more carefully I stated that it would be more helpful to storm wizards if they had a minion that would do something. The current minion is almost universally considered the worst/most useless in the whole game (I know a few wizards have found some use for it comboing with steal or sap health, but to me its an ineffiencent way to play) I know quite well what the current storm minion does (or more accurately doesn't do). My point is that I would give up wild bolt gladly, if I could get a minion that had the same life and behavior as the one summoned by balance's elemental minion. A minion that throws lightning bats to help clear out ALL the pesky storm shields people carry would be awesome in my opinion. Imagine if a minion would clear out one shield for me, and then I could wand away another, get a storm trap/blade, and then a clear shot at you with a lord/triton combo? Scary thought isn't it. In comparison most games I have to wait to get at least three or four wand/bats to clear out shields to begin to think of going to a big hit combo.
I use bolt when it comes up as a lucky break. If it hits great! If not, no big deal. Just the fact that most other wizards are so scared of it, makes me laugh. I beat bolt noobs in the arena all the time.
Every other school has a helpful minion AND a DoT (other than life, but their minion rocks). Why shouldn't diviners get something to similar? What I propose is simply to remove one of the most controversial spells from the game and give something helpful in its place.