the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
In 1v1, no. It has shatter, DoTs, double hits, earth, minions, decent all around stats, and shift. In pvp other than 1v1, yes. Earthquake is its best spell that hits all enemies, (based on average damage, humongofrog can do more) so myth does not do much damage. Earthquake does have the effect of removing all blades and traps on the opponent, but life can easily use earthquake to fulfill the same purpose. Myth needs a new all enemy spell that actually does significant damage.
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
Myth Superiority all the way. In 1v1 I use golem minion, sacrifice for pips, a few blades with a shield against whatever school they are, and Shatter-Orthrus, in 2v2 3v3 4v4 just Earth and Frogs(I'm kind of a damage/critical buff). My myth character has done MUCH better in pvp than my other schools.(actually, ice has highest win-loss ratio at 39-0, but thats because of avalon crafted gear).
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
I couldn't agree more. It dosen't help that:
Myth is the hardest school
We barely have any attack spells
Our minions are weak
And last but not least 4. in pvp some of he conjurers rely on tc
Myth is definitely underpowered, and has to do the MOST sacrificing (EITHER resistance OR force, etc) to maximize. By the time they load up to get decent strength from a medusa or basilisk, the battle is over There is so much to be said for strategy, but the number of turns remains the same for each class--for example, 2 rounds of play followed by a 10000 point spell will always get you closer to a win than "need two blades plus a trap plus a feint ( 5 rounds) to do 8000 points damage. There is a "very something" description for every other class, for example: life=very good healer, storm=very strong hitter, balance=very good supporters, ice=very good defenders, fire=very strong multiple enemy hits, death=very strong DOTs; please fill in the blank for myth?
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
Myth has shatter, earthquake, and medusa. How can myth be underpowered?
And last but not least 4. in pvp some of he conjurers rely on tc
Calamity Stormheart - lvl 35
~Patience is rewared ~
Myth isn't really even the minion school right now, its the tactics school. We can remove shields, traps, stun well, double hit over shields, and steal pips; hardly anyone bothers with the minions anymore. We also have some fairly good attack spells; I still use Minotaur at Promethean. Pretty much anyone high ranked at a low level is going to be using treasure cards, doesn't matter what the school is.
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
I don't know about this,,, 1v1 myth will most definitly dominate with medusa or maybe basilisk for me. 2v2, 3v3, And 4v4 is kind of hard... i just save up on blades and then hit them when they least expect it. but I do think that the next spell for myth should be an all spell since we so far have gotten 4 spells in a row without to all enemy spells.
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
not under powered.
They were built for summoning and being a big pain in the neck when it comes to spells. But they are getting rare to see . They are one of the most powerful in pvp because of their two part attacks.
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
myth is one of the schools that are hard to kill the stuns earthquake and minions medusa is a very good spell it attacks and its a 2 round stun
Myth is actually not underpowered. The minions, yes, are very weak. Yet occasionally, they can be useful in battle. Two of the minions can cast Sprite. (Minotaur and Cyclops) So healing is good to have while you are fighting. Also, the minotaur minion casts a tower shield which is very good in my opinion. In fights or PvP, myth is great to have since you can get rid of the shields and blades they might have. But as always, every school has their downsides and myth has disadvantages too. When you use earthquake, it will get rid of the blades and shields tour enemy has. It will also get rid of the traps that you put on. Hope this helped.
the school of myth is great, personally i have a promethean conjurer and very much enjoy it but i think myth is becoming under powered in pvp does anyone agree with me?
You have to earn some experience in the arena first. Myth has the best tactical spells for pvp.
1. Shatter can win a lot of matches for you if you're going from first spot. If you're from second cast a cloaked ice dispel before you remove shields. 2. Medusa is just the BEST pvp spell in the whole game with a unique effect of 2 rounds of stun 3. Eartquake is an ultimate blade remover 4. Orthus and Minotaur make wonders with some blades and a good damage modifier from given by your gear. And that was just for 1v1..... rocks!
Myth is definitely the weakest at promethean. It is strongest about level sixty. All of the noobs on here talking about shatter, earth, and minions need to understand something. All of those tc are easily available to anyone. Here is the problem, none of those cards are used for attack (not even earth) It is a weak attack spell. it is used because it clears shields and blades, so another school using it can use it actually MORE effectively than myth. here is why. if a myth has blades, and needs to clear your shields and blades and casts earth, they lose their own blades as well. If any other school does the same, they can keep their blades, clear your shields and blades and hit you with buffs the next round. Shatter is just as effective as a tc for any school. The only school that has trouble with a talos minion at level 80 and above (most can one hit kill) is myth. Because Talos has epic myth resist he is hard for us to kill. Now, we have 1 dot spell. It is weak damage compared to others, but it has stun (basilisk) but it takes 9 pips! Take this compared to fire and the heck hound which does more damage at 8 pips, but can be cast at any pips (so if you had a critical build they could kill you much lower if you didn't block). My can't get a high enough critical they can be sure to kill jades and cant get high enough attack to kill the attacks. Now back to other schools, balance has awesome unique spells like mana burn, super nova etc. but guess what?... you can't buy tc for those. fire's great spells like heck hound and efreet you can get tcs for, but unless your fire your attack is way lower. Life has their huge healing boosts and life. Ice has their huge resist. Myth has none of this. My point is the best things about myth anyone can do as well or better than myth, we have nothing unique only to us at over level 80 (except celestial calendar which is a waste of cpu). heck, we can't even trap stack. And yes, medusa is weak and anyone gets the stun.
Myth is definitely the weakest at promethean. It is strongest about level sixty. All of the noobs on here talking about shatter, earth, and minions need to understand something. All of those tc are easily available to anyone. Here is the problem, none of those cards are used for attack (not even earth) It is a weak attack spell. it is used because it clears shields and blades, so another school using it can use it actually MORE effectively than myth. here is why. if a myth has blades, and needs to clear your shields and blades and casts earth, they lose their own blades as well. If any other school does the same, they can keep their blades, clear your shields and blades and hit you with buffs the next round. Shatter is just as effective as a tc for any school. The only school that has trouble with a talos minion at level 80 and above (most can one hit kill) is myth. Because Talos has epic myth resist he is hard for us to kill. Now, we have 1 dot spell. It is weak damage compared to others, but it has stun (basilisk) but it takes 9 pips! Take this compared to fire and the heck hound which does more damage at 8 pips, but can be cast at any pips (so if you had a critical build they could kill you much lower if you didn't block). My can't get a high enough critical they can be sure to kill jades and cant get high enough attack to kill the attacks. Now back to other schools, balance has awesome unique spells like mana burn, super nova etc. but guess what?... you can't buy tc for those. fire's great spells like heck hound and efreet you can get tcs for, but unless your fire your attack is way lower. Life has their huge healing boosts and life. Ice has their huge resist. Myth has none of this. My point is the best things about myth anyone can do as well or better than myth, we have nothing unique only to us at over level 80 (except celestial calendar which is a waste of cpu). heck, we can't even trap stack. And yes, medusa is weak and anyone gets the stun.
My Earth hits 3000 easily in pvp without blades or traps. Medusa is still very powerful, cast shatter Medusa stun Medusa and you'll generally get enemies to just about dead/healing frantically.
My Earth hits 3000 easily in pvp without blades or traps. Medusa is still very powerful, cast shatter Medusa stun Medusa and you'll generally get enemies to just about dead/healing frantically.
If your earth hits 3000 without blades or traps, there is something wrong with your opponent. I do not believe that myth is underpowered in 1v1. It can medusa, shatter, and cast minions that will remove shields and heal you. However, I do think that it is underpowered in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. Earthquake can be easily cast by anyone. It is not good for damage. Myth has the least powerful base damage all enemy spells of any school. It can't stun all enemies and do damage at the same time. It can't heal. It has low resist and health. It can't get high critical without sacrificing all of its other stats. Other schools' main advantages in pvp are mostly, if not all, not easily available to other schools. Storm has high storm damage/critical. Fire has the same, and DoTs. Ice has high resist. Balance has unique spells, and high all around stats. Life has high healing boost, the ability to use heals and earthquake together, and unique spells such as guardian spirit and mass triage. Death has steal health spells, high damage stats, and the ability to easily spam plague and virulent plague. Myth, on the other my opinion, and from what I've seen, it's only good spell in pvp besides 1v1. Earthquake is easily available to all schools, through treasure cards and you can train it. It explains why there aren't many myth people just doesn't have enough advantages to keep people playing it.
Well, yes myth can cast medusa and shatter etc. just like every single other school can. The problem is myth can't do anything special that other schools can't. Anyone can medusa, shatter, medusa. Any school can earth and the fact is, those spell's damage are reduced (well medusa) because of the stun. Because the stun is the biggest asset of casting medusa, non myth school gain more by casting it that a myth would casting storm lord or leviathan for instance. It's all about being able to build a deck and an offense that works on anyone. For instance, a promethean balance can build a deck of mana burn, supernova, and pack balance and life heals (in case their opponent pack balance dispel) and then wear jade and because you can't cast high pip damage spells (because of the mana burn) they have an incredibly effective attack. Because you can't build your deck just to fight balance (all low pip attacks) because then you would get owned by death fire and storm, you will have trouble with them. Storm has wild and insane bolt they can spam. no none but storm can cast insane bolt in pvp. Then you have death and their bad juju. They can wear jade and spam eight bad-juju on you, then reshuffle, then do it again, then reshuffle do it again, the stack some traps and kill you because you can't get the 16-24 minus 90 charms off in time (you don't have that many wands and you aren't going to normally stack enough cleanse charms to deal with that). Myth just doesn't have anything like that. They don't have a standard attack that is effective on all schools like death, balance, life, ice etc. They are middle of the road on everything which means they win some but lose more. Go look at the leader boards and sort by level. you won't see many myth prometheans at the top. They aren't all stupid or bad, most of us were all warlords at level sixty and seventy, but at promethean, we just don't have the tools to win a high majority of fights.
If your earth hits 3000 without blades or traps, there is something wrong with your opponent. I do not believe that myth is underpowered in 1v1. It can medusa, shatter, and cast minions that will remove shields and heal you. However, I do think that it is underpowered in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. Earthquake can be easily cast by anyone. It is not good for damage. Myth has the least powerful base damage all enemy spells of any school. It can't stun all enemies and do damage at the same time. It can't heal. It has low resist and health. It can't get high critical without sacrificing all of its other stats. Other schools' main advantages in pvp are mostly, if not all, not easily available to other schools. Storm has high storm damage/critical. Fire has the same, and DoTs. Ice has high resist. Balance has unique spells, and high all around stats. Life has high healing boost, the ability to use heals and earthquake together, and unique spells such as guardian spirit and mass triage. Death has steal health spells, high damage stats, and the ability to easily spam plague and virulent plague. Myth, on the other my opinion, and from what I've seen, it's only good spell in pvp besides 1v1. Earthquake is easily available to all schools, through treasure cards and you can train it. It explains why there aren't many myth people just doesn't have enough advantages to keep people playing it.
Well said, you and Bradley above, and seemingly from someone who really knows the Myth experience. I will only add that BECAUSE our spells are weaker comparatively, its nearly impossible to solo at higher levels, and its frustrating at times to finally get enough boosters stacked to try to do a damage hit (you can't use your specialty card Earthquake because it will "destroy all our traps" and the enemies are stun immune; and yes, we can remove shields with the first blow of a spell, but remember--it takes an extra round to put a second trap for the spell's second part. only to watch the battle end with one or two power hits. The result? Strategy scores "zero" , Power scores= a win, but we like to deal blows too. And if we put one out there not fully loaded we hear, "Wow, is that all with all those blades?" And for all who think minions are the great equalizers, they are not henchmen; the highest level one costs six pips, never crits; mostly wands; doesn't stack shields=makes the "trade" spell obsolete; hasn't given blades yet, hasn't healed yet, and usually plays a bladed hummongfrog for between 400-600 points. At some point it feels as if we transition from independent strategic players to tag-alongs who just might need play an earthquake, somewhere. I still think Myths rule, because of what it takes to get to the "team needed" level. A suggestion: stronger class blades?
Myth isn't underpowered to me. However, I think Myth is being sold short. For starters, The frog is the only AoE attack, with Quake, but you get those early, so they're weaker. A lot of people say "oh just use Colossal" or "get your attack up." It's a lot harder than it sounds. Also, Myth players say that Celestial Calendar should be AoE. Personally, I think Basilisk should be AoE, and keep its attack power and stun. Adding on, Quake isn't exclusive, which is a problem. Quake and Shatter should be purely exclusive, meaning there is no getting it outside the School without a pet, and no TC versions. I don't really like 1v1. I prefer 4v4 matches, because I'm more of a team player. I haven't seen many Myth players on 4v4. I'm not that far on Myth, but I recognize the problems once you get to about 20-48. Was killing a problem inbetween those level, when you had to fight multiple enemies?
Alexander Earthbane Lvl 69 -Grandmaster Crafter Aedan Blade Lvl 20 -Adept Conjurer I have many more accounts, but It takes too long to type