The team that goes first essentially has first access to pips and gets to see what effects tamper their cards they would like to play, also going first allows full knowledge of what is played against them while giving a huge unfair advantage over the team that goes last in terms of beguile, dispels, and blade and trap tampering and last moment shield placements.
As a result the team that goes last should be given a free pip to even up the turns a bit. The team that goes first would still have the advantage over the team that goes last as the extra pip hardly makes up for knowing if your spells are going to be messed up in any way.
Dispels need to be removed from PvP entirely, they are okay in actual game play but totally make things unfair in PvP play.
Beguile needs to either be removed from PvP play or made so that it does not inform a team and its player that it has been even cast upon casting it. That is when death casts a beguile no curse should be seen and death should appear to have passed their turn, or else it needs removed as beguile is only effective in PvP if death is on the side that goes first.
Earthquake needs to stop removing stun shields and it should always play last in shield and blade removals. That is if you are on the side that goes first and play earthquake, the earthquake attack should do damage but should not remove any shields, blades, and traps on the team being hit until after they play their cards. The reason for this is that when the team that goes first is hit by an earthquake they can avoid casting and reblade while the team that goes last does not have such earth quake knowledge.
The PvP point system is also horrible. Ranked PvP should never pair opponents together that are more than five levels apart. Randomly sat teams should never be paired with team sat teams (often team sat is against people with pre-determined plans of how they will play together and often such teams includes at least one player that is playing more than one character at a time). Matches should be worth ten points each. A side that is highly fovered over a side that is not should recieve a 25% match penalty upon winning/losing, the team that is highly not favored should recieve a 25% match reward upon winning/losing. Any match that is over in five turns or less should count half as much in terms of point gains/losses. Every turn played over five turns should reduce this nerf by a base 10%, so that a 9 turn match gives 90% of normally awarded points and a match that lasts 10 or more turns gives 100%. This means people can stop complaining about losing to wild bolt and treasure cards early on as the points won and lost are taken into consideration and adjusted for it.
To help rectify the player fleeing and or not getting in to a match problem, any match that is short at least one player during the first five turns should have their points decreased by half.
Stop with the complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beguile and dispells are all part of the strategy you need to use to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing i agree thats on here is the point system. it should be like the pet derby system.
Stop with the complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beguile and dispells are all part of the strategy you need to use to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing i agree thats on here is the point system. it should be like the pet derby system.
Offering solutions is not complaining. Beguile and dispels are not part of the strategy needed to win at all as both only really work if you go first. The team that goes second has no chance of those spells taking full effect against the team that goes first as they are fully aware of their casts ahead of playing their next cards.
The PvP point system is also horrible. Ranked PvP should never pair opponents together that are more than five levels apart. Randomly sat teams should never be paired with team sat teams (often team sat is against people with pre-determined plans of how they will play together and often such teams includes at least one player that is playing more than one character at a time). Matches should be worth ten points each. A side that is highly fovered over a side that is not should recieve a 25% match penalty upon winning/losing, the team that is highly not favored should recieve a 25% match reward upon winning/losing. Any match that is over in five turns or less should count half as much in terms of point gains/losses. Every turn played over five turns should reduce this nerf by a base 10%, so that a 9 turn match gives 90% of normally awarded points and a match that lasts 10 or more turns gives 100%. This means people can stop complaining about losing to wild bolt and treasure cards early on as the points won and lost are taken into consideration and adjusted for it.
Starting out with a base nerf and reducing over time is an interesting solution. What if a high leveled team goest against a much lower and simply passes/heals until nurf is gone and then obliterate? What about going with total number of spells cast isntead?
While the original post actually has a lot going for it, the majority of seasnake's posts are about how he/she believes Balance is too strong, so he wants it nerfed (for no apparent reason than to bolster his own PvP win/loss ratio). The other posters here are frequently at odds with seasnake for this reason. And, to be perfectly frank, the original post does sound like a bunch of juvenile complaints, from a certain point of view.
I see your point but beguile plays a big part in pvp. What if there are alot of storms on your team they can die pretty easy (no offense storm ) but you can save the by useing beguile and making the other team attack themselves. I do like the team to go second gets extra pip idea though. :)
I see your point but beguile plays a big part in pvp. What if there are alot of storms on your team they can die pretty easy (no offense storm ) but you can save the by useing beguile and making the other team attack themselves. I do like the team to go second gets extra pip idea though. :)
It can be useful, but I hate getting spammed by it every turn.. I personally don't like the "extra-pip" idea. I took the time to think up a solution for this problem a while back. I think the problem would be solved if KI added a "Quickness" % to cards. Its simple, higher % gets casted first, works much like accuracy. Lower pip spells would have higher Quickness % then Higher ones. Shields, blades, ect.. would be at 100% so they are always casted first. Also gear and pets could boost the Quickness % of the wizard. But like any other solution, it would have to change the whole game.
the only thing i have a problem with is treasure cards being used in ranked matches in my opinion the only treasure card that should be used in ranked matches are reshuffle and power ups not attacks but thats just me not that im ranting or any thing thats just how i feel
I feel when we are in a pvp and someone pulls out a minion that is like cheating because it is no longer a 1v1 or a 2v2 etc. Minions shouldn't be allowed in pvp.
OMG!!!! quit trying to find a edge for yourself and trying to take away from everyone else! Because thats all you ppl are trying to do,trying to find a easy way to win, I dont PvP alot I win an lose some no big deal I dont have all the arena cloths.
The only thing I really dont like is when warlords rank down to private just to get easyer match's witch stop other player from ranking up and getting rank/tickets, grandmasters fighting level 30's and below really not a fair fight. ranking down should stop,if you are a warlord you should only be aloud to rank down to commander and no more and reset the ranks every three/four months.
michael redblood death grand 3grand deaths 2grand storms 2 fire grands 2 ice grands 3 life grands 1 myth grand 2 balance grand