Ok, I try my very best not to complain about things that I face in PvP, however I have a lvl 18 Myth Warlord who I attempt to avoid using treasure cards with. As you can probably guess doing damage to my higher lvl foes is tough, but I enjoy it. Yes, I face annoying Wild Bolters and Judgmenters, but the school that I find the most frustrating is Life. Now please note I'm not calling for a ban on the Life school in PvP; the type of healers that I'm talking about are those who heal even when they don't really need to. I mean using a buffed Satyr that heals by 1200 is fine by me, but doing it twice in a row? I try to look at from an open-minded prospective, and usually when this certain problem arises I tend to get irritated and play a different game. All I want is them to make an honest attempt to kill me, not just sit there and use Dryad every time I use a Cyclops.
All I'm wanting to know is if anybody else could shed some insight on my predicament. Thanks.
I really understand how you feel. Replying to your post, I am going to look at things from your point of view. Since Life is both my favorite, and my best, school, I am going to try to see through a different perspective than I usually see:
You can look at it this way: I honestly believe that Life does not show its full ability in 1v1. I usually am better at anything but 1v1s on my Life.
Life is weak in the damaging perspective. Yes they can use healing spells over and over, causing all your damage to go to waste. Yes they irritate you with healing nonstop.
However, think about this: if they use their pips only to heal, then they do not have the chance to attack you. You stay unharmed, and you will realize that they will run out of heals.
Also, do you have Infection?
What I tend to do with Infection: 1 Save pips up for a triple attack (meanwhile blading, shielding, etc.) 2 Hit twice 3 Cast Infection (Look, now if they try to heal, Satyr would do as much as only a Fairy) 4 Hit again 5 Cast Infection 6 Finish them
I'm sorry but I found this funny, I noticed you didnt have a life in the list of wizards you have, If you did you would understand, like ice, Life people try to OUTLAST people due to their weak attacks, because this is the best advantage their school gives. I won many battles with my life at lvl 18, cause i could outlast the opponent, or they got tired of fighting a long battle. BUT I never healed majorly when I didnt need to, I did attack when I could.
Life will try to outlast you. You need to bring more offense to the table and take advantage of life's weaknesses.
1. Bring out your 4 pip cyclops minion friend. Shield him immediately and unless you are in the danger zone on health, keep shielding him. Your minion will blade, trap, attack, and heal you. Life does not have any damage over time spells, so dealing with multiple life shields is a problem for them. At this point, you've learned the shield minion spell, use it.
2. Keep that minion alive. Heal him if you have to. If he dies, cast another and keep them coming.
3. Now that you've got your base setup, conserve pips, you need to be able to dish out attack after attack to wear down a life wizard. Work up enough pips to cast 2-3 attacks in a row. That's why you need to have your minion out, who can roughly double the number of attacks against your opponent.
4. If you've already trained up to tower shield and like to pvp a lot, 1 points towards infection is worth it to slow down his healing. It's a 0 pip spell that gives you something to cast while you're saving up pips too.
5. Work your way up to level 20 and train Reshuffle. Carry 2 copies in your PVP deck, discard first and then play the second. You'll have an infinite deck at this point. This is an important one since remember, life will try to outlast you.
I happen to get cards in my hand where none of them are attack cards and I start healing myself about every turn. Not doing the thing like you said, if you see me do it about every round then I'm just trying to get an attack. How will life win if you say they shouldn't heal? Everybody has at least one healing card in their deck.
Ok, thanks for your replies. I do have one infection from my Danger Hound. I wasn't aware of Infection at the Death tree until after I had already stopped doing PvE and expended all my training points (I spent my last one on Storm shields, figuring them to be the most useful buy.) It's true that I don't have a Teurgist, however do I really need one to know that their strangth is to heal? I've got no problem with people healing. Like just the other day I was fighting a Life guy and I had to go second. He ended up beating me, but I became his friend because he made attempts to kill me. Ya, it took awhile because I used shields, but it was fun. At lvl 18 and rank Warlord, I now fight people that have access to Rebirth, Dryad, Regeneration, and lastly Satyr. Doing 800 damage at lvl 18 isn't that easy; I would prefer to be shielded then just to have my attack be more then offset by excessive healing.
Lastly, going up lvls is not an option for me, because doing so would take me out of the comfort zone in the lvls that I've found. And because I have to stay between 10-20 for tournament reasons.
I know you're not too happy about life healing every time but it's not our fault we can heal! If you want a fair pvp duel,vs another type of school. But if you were a life,you would easily understand!
I can beat that. My last 1v1 fight was with an ice grand whose secondary was life. More hit points, more tower shields, more annoyance. Fortunately he blew two of his tower shields on his pets, like I'm really going to hit them, those wonderful tower-breakers. The only real drawback he had was that his healing (which, fortunately, was minimal) set him back much more pip-wise because it's a secondary.
You can fight him if you want. Pack a lunch though.
I know you're not too happy about life healing every time but it's not our fault we can heal! If you want a fair pvp duel,vs another of school. But if you were a life,you would easily understand!
life is awsome my girl is life on wiz101 and she is awsome she isnt subscribed but brooke spiritstone is dreamy
Life will try to outlast you. You need to bring more offense to the table and take advantage of life's weaknesses.
1. Bring out your 4 pip cyclops minion friend. Shield him immediately and unless you are in the danger zone on health, keep shielding him. Your minion will blade, trap, attack, and heal you. Life does not have any damage over time spells, so dealing with multiple life shields is a problem for them. At this point, you've learned the shield minion spell, use it.
2. Keep that minion alive. Heal him if you have to. If he dies, cast another and keep them coming.
3. Now that you've got your base setup, conserve pips, you need to be able to dish out attack after attack to wear down a life wizard. Work up enough pips to cast 2-3 attacks in a row. That's why you need to have your minion out, who can roughly double the number of attacks against your opponent.
4. If you've already trained up to tower shield and like to pvp a lot, 1 points towards infection is worth it to slow down his healing. It's a 0 pip spell that gives you something to cast while you're saving up pips too.
5. Work your way up to level 20 and train Reshuffle. Carry 2 copies in your PVP deck, discard first and then play the second. You'll have an infinite deck at this point. This is an important one since remember, life will try to outlast you.
Good luck!
You have a point, we do try to outlast you. At least you know our strategy. I am a therugist, and it annoys me when someone uses a 75 damage spell, then heals with satyr or dryad. There is NO need for that. Satyr heals 800+ so save it for when you are in danger of dieing. A good strategy when you are battling life (this has happened to me) in 4v4 is to first defeat all the people who can heal others. Then there will be less healing going on, except for pixie and treasure cards. This will shorten your battle and make it easier to win. I have learned from my enemies.
-Donna Shadowriver, Magus therugist. *secondary school storm*
It can be REALLY annoying facing dual healers cause they will constantly revive each other and try to force ya to run out of cards :( You need to one hit them with all enemy attacks in this case.