Original PvP was a close to perfect variety of strategy skill. There were many different paths to victory and every school had their strengths and weaknesses but no school was truly better than another. All of this died with the release of jade gear and turtling became the dominant strategy. If you weren't using jade then you weren't winning. Next came Aquila Hades gear which was KI's attempt to fix their mistake, but they over compensated way too much. Now we have gone from one extreme to the other instead of finding a balance somewhere in the middle, not even the most defensive ice wizards can stand up to this new onslaught. Now the new strategy is attack attack and hope that you kill your opponent before they kill you. You can always expect the same thing from a level 90 match and sometimes you might as well throw a dice to determine the winner with all of this critical being thrown around. Stats for high level wizards have gone to extremes in all directions and it seems like the balance and variety of original PvP may never be restored.
Level 50 PvP was and still is close to a perfect balanced strategy game. Just look at the leader boards and see how many players prefer to PvP at level 50 rather than higher levels. It's safe to say that so many of us want something close to the original PvP back and level 50 PvP would be this if not for one problem. That reason is that level 50 is no longer the maximum level. If you are good enough and start heading into the ranks of 2000+ you end up facing against higher level wizards. These opponents may not be as skilled as you but no amount of skill can protect you from the Hades gear that some of them possess. You end up winning, loosing, winning, losing because of these impossible to win match ups and your rank will stay somewhere constant depending on how good you are. Wouldn't you rather just be matched with another level 50 warlord of high rank? A match like that would be far more fair, exciting and challenging, not to mention have a number of different possible play styles and strategies to watch out for. The control deck play style was definitely the hay day of PvP.
How can we fix this? Simple! Chop Ranked PvP levels down the middle creating two separate tiers: Up to level 50 and Open(calling the top tier open will allow KI to continue expanding and increasing level caps if they choose) (anyone who has played PvP for Pokemon will know that they have an identical system)
This way the maximum level in the lower tier will be level 50 just like it used to be back in the day. The only way this will effect higher level players is they will no longer be paired with wizards level 50 or lower.
It is possible to have more tiers than just two, like up to level 10 for all those players who like low Level PvP or a tier every 10 or 25 levels. But the more tires you add the longer it will take to find a match because you cannot be paired with other players outside your tier.
Original PvP was a close to perfect variety of strategy skill. There were many different paths to victory and every school had their strengths and weaknesses but no school was truly better than another. All of this died with the release of jade gear and turtling became the dominant strategy. If you weren't using jade then you weren't winning. Next came Aquila Hades gear which was KI's attempt to fix their mistake, but they over compensated way too much. Now we have gone from one extreme to the other instead of finding a balance somewhere in the middle, not even the most defensive ice wizards can stand up to this new onslaught. Now the new strategy is attack attack and hope that you kill your opponent before they kill you. You can always expect the same thing from a level 90 match and sometimes you might as well throw a dice to determine the winner with all of this critical being thrown around. Stats for high level wizards have gone to extremes in all directions and it seems like the balance and variety of original PvP may never be restored.
Level 50 PvP was and still is close to a perfect balanced strategy game. Just look at the leader boards and see how many players prefer to PvP at level 50 rather than higher levels. It's safe to say that so many of us want something close to the original PvP back and level 50 PvP would be this if not for one problem. That reason is that level 50 is no longer the maximum level. If you are good enough and start heading into the ranks of 2000+ you end up facing against higher level wizards. These opponents may not be as skilled as you but no amount of skill can protect you from the Hades gear that some of them possess. You end up winning, loosing, winning, losing because of these impossible to win match ups and your rank will stay somewhere constant depending on how good you are. Wouldn't you rather just be matched with another level 50 warlord of high rank? A match like that would be far more fair, exciting and challenging, not to mention have a number of different possible play styles and strategies to watch out for. The control deck play style was definitely the hay day of PvP.
How can we fix this? Simple! Chop Ranked PvP levels down the middle creating two separate tiers: Up to level 50 and Open(calling the top tier open will allow KI to continue expanding and increasing level caps if they choose) (anyone who has played PvP for Pokemon will know that they have an identical system)
This way the maximum level in the lower tier will be level 50 just like it used to be back in the day. The only way this will effect higher level players is they will no longer be paired with wizards level 50 or lower.
It is possible to have more tiers than just two, like up to level 10 for all those players who like low Level PvP or a tier every 10 or 25 levels. But the more tires you add the longer it will take to find a match because you cannot be paired with other players outside your tier.
This is definitely a good idea and I totally agree, this would help balance out pvp a little more.
I agree also. I would also like to add that every tc spell past dragonspyre shouldn't be allowed in the lower pvp except for the spells that you can get at lvl 50. strong, keen eyes, fortify, and gobbler polymorph. Level 50 is the end of the first generation and the beginning of crit and block. If it would be 49 and below, that would make more sense.