I just got into PvP battling and was wondering what pets would be useful in PvP.
I'm a death wizard so, if you could recommend a pet with death-dealer or may cast deathblade and can heal with may cast sprite, fairy, unicorn, healing current, etc., it'd be really appreciated.
I just got into PvP battling and was wondering what pets would be useful in PvP.
I'm a death wizard so, if you could recommend a pet with death-dealer or may cast deathblade and can heal with may cast sprite, fairy, unicorn, healing current, etc., it'd be really appreciated.
There are none with all the things you want. That's what hatching is for. Pick a pet that has some of the talents you want and hatch it with pets that have other talents you want. You keep doing that until you get all the talents you want on the pet you want.
Yes it would be great to have a great pvp pet and a solo pet but due to the current updates and changes in the game due to wizards that can not think past the box, KI has tampered with our pets stats so there for they rarely do anything any more unless it is out of chance or one self is pretty much with 2 hp left. Keep searching though if you find anything let me know to because I have a deer knight that cast feint, healing current, amplify, and some times fairy and it has been asleep every since about a month ago until I sold him for being useless.
I have found that the wraith and vampire bat are very affective in death combat it just takes a lot of hatching with the right skills. KI Is really a very awesome community and family although like all families some does not see eye to eye which Is perfect.
I just got into PvP battling and was wondering what pets would be useful in PvP.
I'm a death wizard so, if you could recommend a pet with death-dealer or may cast deathblade and can heal with may cast sprite, fairy, unicorn, healing current, etc., it'd be really appreciated.
I got a pet with spritely and it cast death blade but it also gives health and mana. And it in shared bank right now.
In my opinon the best death pets are vampire, red ghost, and shadow beast. None of them are very rare. As for talents, none have all you want as first generation. You will need to hatch many times to get the pet you want. The talents you get depend on your playstyle. With an offensive approach, I'd try for double damage, fairy, proof, and either critical or may cast shatter/ tower shield. With a defensive approach, try double resist, fairy, sprite, and either unicorn or a damage talent. If you like to be both offensive and defensive, you cant go wrong with Proof, defy, death-dealer, pain-giver, fairy on a vamp.