have you ever been in a pvp match and this one person just sits there and dispels the death out of you? this happens allot in 3v3 and some 4v4. Dont you think it would be wonderful if there was a block? just like a stun block a dispel block will activate when someone tries to dispel you and it blocks the dispel.
have you ever been in a pvp match and this one person just sits there and dispels the death out of you? this happens allot in 3v3 and some 4v4. Dont you think it would be wonderful if there was a block? just like a stun block a dispel block will activate when someone tries to dispel you and it blocks the dispel.
Woah, I've never thought of that. That'd actually be pretty cool.
Nice idea, Wolf Skullslinger, Thaumaturge by Trade
his idea would be nice if it could work without ruining pvp entirely but dispells are necessary in the game but spamming 50 isn't. so its hard for them to restrict it. It would be nice if they made a card like stun block for dispells though that stops 2 debuffs when casted if it was casted before the dispells were after ward it wouldn't be realistic and since it stops dispells id say start its pip cost off at 2-4.How ever a natural forming one like the stun blocks after getting dispelled wouldn't be reasonable.
Considering that dispel blocks would ruin one of the best strategies of "heal jams" for life, I don't like this.
If you remove the life dispels then how else will life wizards win against storm and other schools in PVP?
use infections and use doom and gloom rofl even if your healing will be low shield allot and myth dispel rofl even though they'll have a chance of passing it and life heals more than any school xD life doesn't need dispels to win i seen many theurgist win without them. so if u have problems i wish you better luck (Blaze Moonmender promethean)