So you guys see this is in the tournaments section. Ok, i'll explain. I was in the Bartleby's Battle(3 vs 3, 1:00 pm). I was staring at my connection box and it was ok. Then it showed the connection loss symbol on my box and I was not able to help my team in the 1st round. They lost. My team consisted of a storm, fire(me) Ice. Me and the Ice wizard lost connection again so the storm was alone, 1 vs 3. She lost. I was so ready for the next 2 rounds. We were granted a bye week for round 3. I was so mad that we did not get to participate for round 3. We were dead last. Finally the storm and I went into round 4. (Ice must've left). We won that match, so it was a 2 vs 3.
I have already messaged you guys for a crowns refund. I had no fun in this 3 vs 3.
I have a question if you buy something in the crowns shop can you get a refund on your crowns if it was done by accident or you just dont want it anymore cause it happened to me a week ago I was going to use my crowns to buy some I think they were called Kirin's Hoard pack and a few Pharoahs and Knights Lore packs. Then use the rest to buy back my training points. I had 5039 crowns when i got my crowns. Anyway I bought too many Pharoahs packs and didnt realize it. Until i went to Mr. Lincoln. I was soo mad when I couldnt buy back my points I had enough to get my points back if they were over 1200 crowns like it told me last time i looked. it was 3500 i think. I last check at lvl 30 and it was around 1200-2000. So why did the amount go up?
You will not receive a refund of Crowns. It's very clear when you purchase entry to a Tournament that the Crowns will not be refunded.
Ok . I did get a good amount of tickets but we could've won the other 2 matches. Eh, I will get over this, I was mad when I typed this. Also the second commenter, I think the training point buyback gets higher when you progress and level up. When you level you get more TP and I think that is how it gets higher. Right now for me (37tp) If I wanted to buy all of them back I would have to pay 11,900 crowns. I think Greyrose can explain it a little more.