I'm working on getting Bad Juju for 1v1, and apparently you can cloak it, which kind of confuses me. If I cloak it, isn't is kind of obvious what I used? I mean what other spells damage yourself and put a negative blade on your opponent? Would it not show the damage done to yourself?
Thanks, Hunter DragonSword, level 75 Necromancer, The Wild, Avalon
I'm working on getting Bad Juju for 1v1, and apparently you can cloak it, which kind of confuses me. If I cloak it, isn't is kind of obvious what I used? I mean what other spells damage yourself and put a negative blade on your opponent? Would it not show the damage done to yourself?
Thanks, Hunter DragonSword, level 75 Necromancer, The Wild, Avalon
Yeah. But many duelists use cloak as a way to multiply cards.
Hiding the spell or not, if you reshuffle, it's going to multiply it, making for a stressful match for the opponent if you start spamming, don't forget to heal though!
Cloak can be most effective when you have more than one type of spell to cloak. For example, if you carry weakness, infection, balance dispel, and life dispel, when you use cloak it can really mess with your opponent's head.
But the real reason most people use cloak is because it makes an extra copy of the spell you enchanted when you reshuffle.
For example, let's say you carry only one Bad Juju and you cloak it and cast it. Then later you reshuffle. Now you have two copies of Bad Juju in your deck, the normal one and the cloaked one.
All sun spells duplicate themselves temporarily when you reshuffle. Cloak, Colossal, Primordial, and Extraordinary are examples of sun spells that create extra copies of the spell you enchanted, after you reshuffle.
If you carried regular weakness along with Bad Juju, cloak could be a very effective tool for you in PvP.
The idea of cloaking it is so you can at some point resuffle and get more than what you brought back into your deck.
Let's say you have 2 bad juju in your deck and you cloak both of them. When you reshuffle you will get both regular bad juju back and 2 cloaked juju also.