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Can somebody give me and answer please?

Dec 12, 2008
can anyone tell me why there isnt a balance shield? I was just wondering since every other school has a shield, I just want to know please :)

May 09, 2009
because balance is made up of all the schools so naturally the only shield that could defened against it is a all def. shield. like a absorb. life has a 400 one and ice has one that depends on the number of pips. ice also has a all def. shield called a tower shield. this used to be able to be gotten where other shields are but they switched it out for a stun shield :(

this is a reason why people dont like balance because it has all shields except the tower shield and no shield against them. they don't understand that balance is made from all schools so its a neutral and cant be shielded against. (other than tower shield and absorbs)

their is however a dispel card called unbalance i don't like it because being a lvl 50 grandmaster in balance i KNOW that almost all of balances spells are weak

Jan 19, 2010
sorry i don't know of any balance shields either but a shield that would shield balance attacks would be absorb or ice armor

Destiny D. lv 31 fire wizard

Dec 22, 2009
there isin't a blance shield because balance is a neutral school and has attributes of the different schools

Mar 24, 2010
Balance is a combonation of all the schools, and people would probably just use it for blocking a judgement.

Dec 23, 2009
And there's no balance-specific blade. If there's a balance-specific shield without a correlating blade, that would be redonkulously unfair.

Aug 21, 2009
Maffled wrote:
Balance is a combonation of all the schools, and people would probably just use it for blocking a judgement.

see, this is the entire problem, judgment is not a middle of the road balance type of spell, it is likely the hardest hitting 1v1 spell in the entire game... balance should never have been giving such a card at such a strength as it unbalances what balance really should have been (balanced)... the only way to balance the school now is to toss in balance only shields or to nerf judgement and I think people would be more upset if judgement were nerfed than if balance shields were introduced

Dec 21, 2008
Maffled wrote:
Balance is a combonation of all the schools, and people would probably just use it for blocking a judgement.

they should because people lose to balance usually in one hit unless they are really in defense.

Apr 11, 2010

Tower shield can defend you against balances attacks. And if you didn't train in ice up to tower, then just get some as treasure.
"But I don't use treasure"
Then that's entirely your problem and your choice. Tower, Tower, Tower!
And use weakness too. This helps as well.

Jun 06, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Maffled wrote:
Balance is a combonation of all the schools, and people would probably just use it for blocking a judgement.

see, this is the entire problem, judgment is not a middle of the road balance type of spell, it is likely the hardest hitting 1v1 spell in the entire game... balance should never have been giving such a card at such a strength as it unbalances what balance really should have been (balanced)... the only way to balance the school now is to toss in balance only shields or to nerf judgement and I think people would be more upset if judgement were nerfed than if balance shields were introduced

average damage overall is 99.62/pip, REAL far below judge i know ; even with judgement factored in, the balance average is 91.66 repeating. judgement is definitely balance's hardest hitter, the hardest hitter in the game? no way, no how.

May 30, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Maffled wrote:
Balance is a combonation of all the schools, and people would probably just use it for blocking a judgement.

see, this is the entire problem, judgment is not a middle of the road balance type of spell, it is likely the hardest hitting 1v1 spell in the entire game... balance should never have been giving such a card at such a strength as it unbalances what balance really should have been (balanced)... the only way to balance the school now is to toss in balance only shields or to nerf judgement and I think people would be more upset if judgement were nerfed than if balance shields were introduced

You're kidding me right???? Weren't you the one that wanted a few new
wild bolt spells that would do like 2000 or damage to all or something like that???? Balance has ONE strong hitting spell and this is it. You are obviously a storm wizard who has MANY very powerful hitting spells in comparison with the rest of the other schools. What about tempest or heckhound? Either of those can deal some serious damage and tempest HITS ALL. Sounds to me like you have been beaten by one too many balance wizards in the arena and should maybe look into learning how to win these matches instead of crying about getting a shield or "nerfing" a spell.

Apr 19, 2009
astrofan96 wrote:
can anyone tell me why there isnt a balance shield? I was just wondering since every other school has a shield, I just want to know please :)

No offense intended at all but, Astrofan if you were asking a simple question like this you probably should not have put this in the pvp section of the message boards because now this has started a bit of an argument

As for your questions that's pretty much answered balance is what you get when you fuse all the elemental schools together which is why there spells either have no shields against them or types of elemental attacks