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balance out of balance

Oct 26, 2008
Metzlerjc wrote:
I am a storm/myth wizard and I think that a battle is exactly that. I have fun battling. But against Judgement and its unlimited pip count there is no defense. There should be a pip limit on all the 'X' spells. Yes, tempest too. The tower sheilds only reduce the damage 50%, all others are around 80%. Balance is out of balance and 100 points per pip is way too high without a better defense. Storm has the best attacks but, balance starts the game with the elemental shield and later they get the spirit version. Only ice gets the Tower Shield. I think Tower Sheild should be available for everyone like Reshuffle is. Balance can also never run out of cards in a match.

Otherwise you become a one ding pony. I really don't understand how much fun a fifteen round fight is for a balance guy. They don't fight; they expect to win and where is the fun in that. A solution would be to have all 'X' spells not work in the PVP arenas.

Balance warlords should fight each other and truly see the point; Everyone else is making. Fight the Hoarder in Dragonspire alone and we can talk about how fair judgement is. Oh, and he is not alone either.

Charles TitamBreaker

Metzlerjc wrote:
Wild bolt is over powered? Wild Bolt has a 10% rate of fire. Wild Bolt is like a lottery ticket. Does it fizzle a lot... understatement. Do trees fall in the forest if no one hears them? The only reason I use them is when they go off they are awesome. There is no way to get wild bolt to fire consistently. Even adding accuracy to them means a 25% chance of firing. Black mantle or judgement are worse spells. Take a 70% spell and reduce it by 40 or 45%. The math works out to be 25 to 30% after that. Try earthquake then wild bolt in a darkwind. Strip the sheilds and absorbs. 1250 points.

Ok, you're not making much sense here.

You're stating wild bolt is not overpowered when it deals 1,000 damage for two pips, and between accurate/sniper and arena clothes the accuracy can be raised to 51%-56% with it hitting every other round, takes no time to prepare and can be used on round one with a pip from a wand, yet judgement that takes several rounds to prepare, and is broadcast when you see blades and traps cast is overpowered?

Read any of the threads on judgement/balance and you will see there is much more than tower shield as a defense. Against wild bolt there is practically no defense. Storm shields are easily removed with a wand or low level spell, and followed by a wild bolt with no blades or traps still deals 1,000 damage. Wild bolt cast on round one if the caster goes first is unable to be defended since the opponent hasn't had a chance to do anything yet.

Apr 25, 2009
People if you dont like fighting the balance people then make one yourself or just use a wand of your school and take thie shield at the beginning then use blades and what not. If you have an ice friend then ask them for steal ward and take the shields away yourself rahter then get mad whenn you have a weak attack from the shields. If you really can't stand shields from balance then do what other people have said and do team matches so people can back you up or stop ranked matches period problem solved.

Dec 19, 2008
Okay, to all of storms out there, here is a GREAT idea to increase your life without the numbers increasing. So, the bazaar, you can easily find something with a good resistant. I understand that storm barley reaches 2,000 but, I have to say that you guys get wild bolt. All of the other schools, Wild bolt is FAIR! Every school has advantages and disadvantages.

Since I am Ice, I can do a great ammount of things to throw my opponents off. Although, my spells are weaks. To me, Myth is my only fear. After I place at least ten shields up, they use earthquake to tear them down. Do I get upset? No. Do I flee the battle? No. My health still stands to around 3,000. They are the ones that get upset. Although, I think Death's accuracy should be decreased to 80% I do have to admit, when I see a fire or storm, I don't get to afraid. Life has EVERY right to heal themselves and their team. Even though it heals a lot, that's their advantage. Storm does surprise me sometimes. Storm seems to be the most determined. Whenever their health it down to 200, they never start to panic. I usually compliment them on their next move before they come to a miserable fate of their head spinning around for ten seconds.

level 45 Thaumaturge Jennifer Angleweaver

Apr 27, 2009
I find no trouble with balance. I am a grandmaster myth wizard and having tower shields, ice armor that comes with my robe, and spirit absorb (life as my secondary) I can easily resist balance spells. Plus earthquake, pierce, and remove charm can greatly help me cause all balance people do is buff and by the time they are done buffing and gotten enough pips, Orthrus has already taken them out.
However, I do think Death spells should not be able to penetrate absorbs.

Dec 09, 2008
Metzlerjc wrote:
I am a storm/myth wizard and I think that a battle is exactly that. I have fun battling. But against Judgement and its unlimited pip count there is no defense. There should be a pip limit on all the 'X' spells. Yes, tempest too. The tower sheilds only reduce the damage 50%, all others are around 80%. Balance is out of balance and 100 points per pip is way too high without a better defense. Storm has the best attacks but, balance starts the game with the elemental shield and later they get the spirit version. Only ice gets the Tower Shield. I think Tower Sheild should be available for everyone like Reshuffle is. Balance can also never run out of cards in a match.

Otherwise you become a one ding pony. I really don't understand how much fun a fifteen round fight is for a balance guy. They don't fight; they expect to win and where is the fun in that. A solution would be to have all 'X' spells not work in the PVP arenas.

Balance warlords should fight each other and truly see the point; Everyone else is making. Fight the Hoarder in Dragonspire alone and we can talk about how fair judgement is. Oh, and he is not alone either.

Charles TitamBreaker

If you're a storm/myth, that is a fearsome combination! Any Sorcerer would be wary of that.

Anyway, Balance warlords do fight each other a lot. A LOT. There are Balance vs Balance matches going on all the time. The Hoarder is hard for Balance too, as she has such high resistance to Balance spells, but after battling her a hundred times or so for the sword, I have no issues with her.

Cassandra StorySmith
Grandmaster Sorcerer

Apr 10, 2009
i dont find judgement to be unfair (of course i have a lvl 30 balance so i'm bias) but trust me from what i've done we are less than awesome in PvE (idk why) but also i've gone into a 2v2 and lost horribly, i cant take out two people with one judge, notice? so gang up on us. also for you who love judge get feint it makes it MONSTER. . sry this does't really matter

p.s. my partner fleed so that might have something to do with it

Dec 09, 2008
zoromon42 wrote:
i dont find judgement to be unfair (of course i have a lvl 30 balance so i'm bias) but trust me from what i've done we are less than awesome in PvE (idk why) but also i've gone into a 2v2 and lost horribly, i cant take out two people with one judge, notice? so gang up on us. also for you who love judge get feint it makes it MONSTER. . sry this does't really matter

p.s. my partner fleed so that might have something to do with it

Yes, when I look at the high # of rank points on the arena board, it's usually Life or Balance for 2v2. But that's because they are usually partnering with a Storm or Fire.

Cassandra StorySmith
Grandmaster Sorcerer

Dec 27, 2008
greyrecliner228 wrote:
I am balance and i am extremely sorry for this trouble with judgement and stuff, but i have to say - balance TO ME is the most powerful school because it's all schools, I AM NOT SAYING THAT YOU HAVE TO THINK THAT! You may think your school is better then balance if you want.

Luna0616 :D

Balance is far from the strongest school. We are made to buff attacks. We have judgement, but after one judgement we have to start over.

I don't have such a big problem with judgement... MY problem is the endless shields! They could shield me 7 times and still have enough pips to kill me with judgement! ! ! ! Balance Shields Should use up pips because it is highly unfair!

Jul 18, 2009
Subscription cancelled for entire family until they mitigate balance judgement casts. I have tower shield, I have absorb, I have weakness. Yada yada yada.

To even have a chance as a level 45 storm vs. them I have to stack my deck a certain way totally exposing myself to any other school out there.

One thing I would like to ask the designers is this:

Why should we have to cookie cutter spec with a -CHANCE- to beat them?

I am routinely losing to any balance wizard who is warlord by the way at level 29 to my level 45. They aren't using treasure cards either. They stack a ton of storm shields up and towers and then wham. They pluck my four total towers off when I try to time them to the pips they have. They even can steal my towers...

I simply am tired of the over powered nature balance is having. The proof is in the queue when you see tons of balance wizards in the queue.

I guess I got a different idea of what fun is when it comes to pvp. I believe in strategy and a little luck, but as it stands there isn't much needed in either as a balance wizard in this game.

Two accounts closed KI and probably more have and will due to this huge unfair design.

Oh the pve bores me too, all that repeated and slow animation makes it just mind numbing.

May 02, 2009
People say that storm is second strongst. It is, but triton is more than likely to kill judgement if they had even pips, buffs, etc., triton more than likely would pwn it. And, PLEASE I FEEL SRY FOR PEOPLE HAVING TO SUFFER FOR THIS. AT LEAST WEAKEN IT OR LOWER IT'S ACCURACY. :(
Ty. :D

May 02, 2009
You guys are forgetting something about balance. FIRE IS A WORSE NIGHTMARE FOR ALL SCHOOLS, why, SMOKE SCREEN! It reduces about half of your accuracy. Now i complained about the power not accuracy. Heres balances weaknesses: Ice: ice shield. Fire: smoke screen Myth:minions life:healer Death:idk this helps. i hope