Balance in pvp is awesome but pvp is kinda making people mad i dont think balance should be fighting another balance i think its annoying.! BALANCE NEEDS MORE SPELLS.
balance is totally over powered at the moment and should be nerfed, your complaint is about balance going up against another balance simply cause they are over powered, lol...
Fighting your own school in pvp is a good thing, proves which one of you is more skilled and has better luck. That's what pvp is, luck and skill. And balance can make do with the spells it has, my friend is a grand balance, and she can kick anything in to next week. She just doesn't pvp anymore, but she was still good. As well balance has 8 attacks or so life has 5 and 2 of balance's attacks are multi, life has none, so life really needs new attacks more then balance
@ seasnake: you think balance is overpowered.REALLY? KI's not changing it. heckhound is much more powerful and tempest almost does as much to everyone! stop complaining and actually work hard to beat them. sheesh