Before you get all enraged about another balance post, let me assure you i'm just as annoyed with all the repetitiveness. For all of those who think balance is unfair, I agree with you, and for all of you that think balance is just being strategic, I agree as well. I think balance is cool and it's a neat school, and i'm fine with judgement, but I do think there should be shields, and no, not just tower shields. We need a way to block just like every other school. Please share you beliefs on what should happen
I'm not fine with judgment, at the moment I'm at level 40 on my balance wizard, the only cards I play are blades, traps, and judgement. I never use shields, I never use healing cards, I solo, I never lose and shields and healing would just slow me down. I run across creatures that are balance school or use tower shields and I think no big deal, I'll just wait a bit longer get my judgement pips up and still be able to one hit them. There is nothing that stops or even challenges my attacks much. It is so very, very boring. Forget about ever using all those other balance spells, they aren't necessary. I don't even use a full deck when I play, there simply isn't a need. Balance unlike the other schools takes no talent at all to play, again it is very boring and plays incredibly over powered.