So, I have a question. I have encountered many puppet teams while 2v2ing with my noob and his noob friend. We usually do a good job and win (most of the time), but is it a report-able offense to report puppet teams? My friend told me it was so I have been reporting puppet teams ever since. I just want to know if they are counting against me. Also, not to be rude or anything, but when is something going to be done about these puppet teams. I mean i would probably be like rank 2000 (exaggerating) if it wasn't for them. Please respond, KingsIsle, it would be very helpful.
So, I have a question. I have encountered many puppet teams while 2v2ing with my noob and his noob friend. We usually do a good job and win (most of the time), but is it a report-able offense to report puppet teams? My friend told me it was so I have been reporting puppet teams ever since. I just want to know if they are counting against me. Also, not to be rude or anything, but when is something going to be done about these puppet teams. I mean i would probably be like rank 2000 (exaggerating) if it wasn't for them. Please respond, KingsIsle, it would be very helpful.
Puppet teams are an exploit in the system if one has a rank 0 then yes their doing it to exploit the game to get easier matches and rank so yes it is reportable.I do doubt ki will actually do something about it tho.
So, I have a question. I have encountered many puppet teams while 2v2ing with my noob and his noob friend. We usually do a good job and win (most of the time), but is it a report-able offense to report puppet teams? My friend told me it was so I have been reporting puppet teams ever since. I just want to know if they are counting against me. Also, not to be rude or anything, but when is something going to be done about these puppet teams. I mean i would probably be like rank 2000 (exaggerating) if it wasn't for them. Please respond, KingsIsle, it would be very helpful.
I don't think that's a reportable offence, which in the end your account might end up getting punished for it. The current pvp system is bad as it is. There is not much that can be done about it. Yes, these people ruin pvp by looking for the easy way out and exploiting that. Nothing that can currently be done so we have to deal with it.