Training pet to Mega is a pain on the fingers... and after weeks to months of training just to discover that it learned a talent that says "Crafty" or "Give 1 Tower shield card" or "May cast Myth shield!"...and more....
Why hasn't anyone brewed a potion can revert pet one stage younger and forget the learned talent? And to train the pet again to possibly learn another better talent? Or the talents to be learned is already predetermined and can never be changed? Someone, please brew the potion! I don't want to not love my pet....
First, your pet is a collection of 1's and 0's. It's not real so, don't worry about not loving it. Second, pet talents are predetermined from the second you get it. Nothing you do will change the talent. Make sure you're pet has talents you actually want before you train it to mega. Here's an article I found very helpful in training my pets: -Morgan Legendheart level 50, Celestia, The Grotto
That sounds like a great idea. I hadn't really thought about it. Some pets are better than others. If you type in 'wizard101 pet bloodbat' (or any pet) it should come up with a link to the wizard101 forum. It should look like this: Pet:Bloodbat It will give you the possible stats for your pet. I think you should be able to start again with pet talents, like you can do with training points, but one level younger would just be a pain. Good luck!
If they implemented this into the game, it would make PvP and questing way too easy. Say you hatched a double resist pet with a double attack pet, and you get health gift at teen, you can just buy that potion and you might get the perfect pet that you want. It is supposed to be hard to get the "perfect" pet so if you get a talent you don't want then you should try hatching with the same person again, same pet different hatcher. It also helps not to request the hatch but to go on the 2 person sigils and hatch the pet.
I like the idea. It'd have be one of the more expensive potions, because this is a lot to ask for, and another thing I'd recommend is to go to the W101 Central Wiki because there you can see what talents you're pet really has. It may have better talents than you expected, it may not.
Training pet to Mega is a pain on the fingers... and after weeks to months of training just to discover that it learned a talent that says "Crafty" or "Give 1 Tower shield card" or "May cast Myth shield!"...and more....
Why hasn't anyone brewed a potion can revert pet one stage younger and forget the learned talent? And to train the pet again to possibly learn another better talent? Or the talents to be learned is already predetermined and can never be changed? Someone, please brew the potion! I don't want to not love my pet....
Pet talents are SET upon hatching. You cannot change them. This is WHY they removed Mega Snack Packs from Test Realm. People would buy them with the free crowns and train pets to see what talents they get. Then they knew whether to train them in real realm or not.
First, your pet is a collection of 1's and 0's. It's not real so, don't worry about not loving it. Second, pet talents are predetermined from the second you get it. Nothing you do will change the talent. Make sure you're pet has talents you actually want before you train it to mega. Here's an article I found very helpful in training my pets: -Morgan Legendheart level 50, Celestia, The Grotto
I just read the link guide, and it was awesome I started my quest for the perfect pet today.
I have this happen a few times where I get a pet to Adult and both talents are just like giving my let more strength or intellect. I agree this should exist and not have to buy the pet again. I bought a crowns only pet that gives me useless talents but I paid a lot of crowns for it. I am really mad! This is a great idea and I have been thinking about way to fix this.
Training pet to Mega is a pain on the fingers... and after weeks to months of training just to discover that it learned a talent that says "Crafty" or "Give 1 Tower shield card" or "May cast Myth shield!"...and more....
Why hasn't anyone brewed a potion can revert pet one stage younger and forget the learned talent? And to train the pet again to possibly learn another better talent? Or the talents to be learned is already predetermined and can never be changed? Someone, please brew the potion! I don't want to not love my pet....
This has never occurred to me but I think its long as the price in crowns is reasonable