I have been trying to get the yellow troll pet from Fleshrender, is it still available or is it a drop from a different boss? Any responses would be appreciated. Thank You.
I have been trying to get the yellow troll pet from Fleshrender, is it still available or is it a drop from a different boss? Any responses would be appreciated. Thank You.
I have been trying to get the yellow troll pet from Fleshrender, is it still available or is it a drop from a different boss? Any responses would be appreciated. Thank You.
It's a mustard troll... with horrible stats, and yes it is still dropped by Fleshrender. Keep in mind pet drops are rare.
I know that the mustard troll is not the best pet, but I am trying to collect all the myth pet drops in the game that is available. I needed to know if it was still available as a drop from fleshrender. Thanks everyone for your posts