Okay...this is probably some place on this board in one of the bazillion topics, but I'm tired and I'm just hoping it hasn't been approached before, but what the devil are those yellow minion treasure cards good for when you don't have a minion that fights. I keep getting the dang things, messes me up totally, shorts me a card and a turn...and sometimes the lack of turns it causes me causes me deaths. HELP! Wish there was a manual for this game, not just those few pages you print out. This message board is good, but takes forever to seach for something and usually isn't there, and takes forever to get an answer. A regular game manual like other games have would be really nice.
If you don't have a use for certain spells you have learned, don't put them in your deck. It's as simple as that. I realize that if you have some open slots in your deck and you go to learn a new spell, they will automatically be added in your deck, so remove them from your deck. It is as simple as that.
How your deck is constructed is totally up to you.