Alright, this one will be set up to show KI exactly what the players are interested in. Here's how you should set it up:
[Pet type here] [card here (preferably not, but hey, not gonna say you cant)] [boss that drops it here] [hatch time here (please no crown drop pets)]
So, post your ideas here! Be creative, but please, for the sake of the thread, keep it reasonable. Here are the guidlines for a"reasonability"
No card unless you have seen the card in game (ex. no having a wood golem pet that has a wood golem card. [this doesn not include character or enemy self attacks, where they go to the center to attack])
No outrageous pets, like a balance scale or something, or an earthquake, or storm cloud, or just a random skull. Try to keep it reasonable, like an enemy or an NPC that you saw in game.
If you want to make a totally new pet, dont make it like a normal boring old pet. make it exciting! and please, try to only think of things that could really be in the game.
Please, no redos (ex. Fire kraken)
Alright, there's the guidlines (sorry about all the complications, but i want to make this one something that your ideas could really be put in the game!)
OK, i'll get things started with some i would like to be seen in the game, just put yours down like put mine!