OK here it goes i have recently gotten the wraith for completing my lvl48 quest for death school. my question is this, what are the chances of getting an arch fiend OR death oni from hatching with a helephant THANKYOU IN ADVANCE! :P ZACHARY THUNDERDUST LVL 48 MASTER OF DEATH
accoriding to Tod Coleman the chances are like so 25% You get your pet back 25% You get other mixed pet back 25% Hybrid 1 25% Hybrid 2 he said it was about like that
accoriding to Tod Coleman the chances are like so 25% You get your pet back 25% You get other mixed pet back 25% Hybrid 1 25% Hybrid 2 he said it was about like that
Didn't they make it so you never get the other person's school pet?
25% is a good estimate. Although in the test realm I tried w/ my Orthrus 4 times, no luck. Then again, I tried with my Collossus 1 time and got a Darkwaler for mixing with Wraith ( looks like Boris Blackrock :-) )