I have a mega Phoenix with MC sprite and some other good fire boosting stats. Looking to hatch with someone that has a pet with Unicorn and/or Fairy.
If anyone is interested post here and we can set up a day, time and realm.
Daniel Shadowflame: Level 90
hi i hatched with someone who had a mc fairy polar fox so if you hatch with me it is possible for fairy to come up. am usually on during the weekends if you want to look for me.
I have a polar fox pet, it has fairy,vengeance, and hex. I have all the pets that I want so i will hatch with whatever you want And I have gold and I know how much you want fairy before you get it. I will hatch preferably 4-6 afternoon and 11-1 on weekends reply here if you want to hatch.
I would be willing to hatch with you my pet does not have the unicorn but may get it one it levels up.. I would really like to hatch with you. I have an adult trojan horse with
Life Striker
Slow Leader
Huge Rally
Also the Gnomest Card
How much gold do you think it will cost?
Realm:Unicorn Area:1 Time:4:30 Date:1/26/14 Time Zone: No clue but live in Indiana
I would be willing to hatch with you my pet does not have the unicorn but may get it one it levels up.. I would really like to hatch with you. I have an adult trojan horse with
Life Striker
Slow Leader
Huge Rally
Also the Gnomest Card
How much gold do you think it will cost?
Realm:Unicorn Area:1 Time:4:30 Date:1/26/14 Time Zone: No clue but live in Indiana
Olivia Skullhunter level 31
If Daniel does not reply b then I will be perfectly fine Hatching with you. It should cost 37k-43k gold. I may have to move it to tomorrow.
I have a lot of pets including Trojan horse but thats ok if you really want these talents.
By the way, When you hatch a polar fox with another pet you ALWAYS will get the polar fox back.
Sorry it took me forever to reply. Thanks to all who are willing to help me.
@ Duncan. Your Polar fox seems pretty awesome. Hex, Fairy and Vengeance would be great.
Those times won't work for me this week. Maybe we can set something up for next Wednesday or Thursday. Whatever time works for you. I am on eastern time.
Ok Daniel I will hatch On Any day but really has to be between 5-6. I have enough gold and I am ready to hatch. Reply when you decide a time realm and date. Well try and get it to work out. I prefer it to be on weekdays.