many people thoght ice hound was unbalance note to KingIsle
too balance out ice hound just lower his card damage
like from 479-550 damage
then put him back into the game that sound right i think
William HawkGrove grandmaster in ice school
i agree i tried about five times to get ice hound an so far not gotten it :-( i understand what you mean by unbalanced because ice hound is one of the few hybrids that give a new card, but in that case i think you should put more hybrid card moves in, if you did i honestly think more people would want to hatch. i was very disipointed when i found out you took out ice hound and to tell you the truth it almost made me quit the game( not kidding ) . and plus how cool would it be to have a jade hound pet with card for example. PLZ PLZ PLZ take this into consideration ;) sincerly: valdus mistheart ice wizard