I have been researching lvl 48 pet hybrids. My colossus can hatch with any other schools lvl 48 pet and there is a chance an ice version of that pet will hatch. But there have been updates for certain pets making it so that the card give is of the non-ice school. (frostzilla gives stormzilla, frost hound gives orthrus, ice wraith gives wraith)
I am wondering if mixing with helephant or hydra or something will give me an ice school mutated card. Or have all those been banned?
So the ice hydra, ice helephant, ice orthrus, ect. only give the fire/myth/ect. card? So basically there is no good ice card to get from a rare hybrid then. It seems pointless to combine them (because ice cant use power pips for stormzilla and helephant). I could get fire/storm/death/life colossuses I guess. Those would still give the ice colossus card (lame, but at least ice), but look like a different colossus, right? Of course this would just be an asthetic difference from my ice colossus.
I am just bummed at no ice mutation card. I want to be able to use power pips for heck hound or helephant :( There seems to be no point in getting a hybrid because the card would be near useless because while stronger it would not use power pips.