I really, really want the life minotaur! It can heal; that's the ideal pet I want! Also, I love minotaurs. I still struggle farming for it. Might get it in a few tries.
Well the pet I have always wanted was a jade Oni I want that pet so much because it is my favorite color by the way I want a green one and it gives a card and I just think elephants are amazing animals also it is just the most adorable pet ever and I have tried to kill jade oni to get the drop but like always cool pet rare pet because you can't have common pet and cool it just doesn't have the same ring to it and I just get so excited when I see a pet store around it's just I have to be happy
The pet that i always wanted was a heck hound but i don't know how to get one can you
help me please I really want one so bad please reply
You can get the pet at krokosphinx (the boat at krokatopia) the green salamander has a few stuff and just click the pet icon it will cost 1,500 gold and take 5 minutes to hatch hope this helped