I have a shadow phoenix but I sold it XD, hmm the pet I want most is... hmm ... fate sealer! its the ice colossus hydra hybrid and one of the rarest pets around, I really want it soooooo badly!
Well, this might sound crazy but I want a leopard (He's just so CUTE!!!) only because he's cute. And this if for future posters, if you want a pet only because of it's talents then hatch a lot you know the pet fire cat? Once I saw a Fire Cat with a pedigree of over 80 and he had awesome talents like may cast fairy. So I friended him and asked why do you have a fire cat and not a pet that can get to pedigree 80 faster? He said because fire cat's are awesome and I love cats. That taught that hatching is great. That was way off topic my bad. I also like Leopards because I go to the zoo a lot and leopards are the coolest thing there (Belloq you're pretty cool too). Now people who want a shadow phoenix you have good taste in pets. Same to all other pet wanters. Critical Death (I'm not a necromancer.)
I really like all the Orthrus hybrids, but mostly the ones that resemble the Orthrus itself. I now have a Jade Hound, but I'd love to be able to get others such as Cerberus, Frost Hound, Grimtooth, and Tempest Hound. The Mythzilla is also a very appealing pet that I rarely sight throughout the game. ~Shannon Skybreaker
A Grove Unicorn that can actually cast Unicorn...my IRL friend is working on this as we speak, and I've been hatching with a trojan horse that has it so I can get the Unicorn ability into a pet he wants.
A pet i really want? hmmmm. i always go for ice pets i really wanted the ice wyvern pet. But i think it was the first age though. I really hope not. And in a different case. I just want one pet that can heal me. I want it to be an ice one. I love Ice school!
I can't tell you how badly I want Shadow Phoenix. It is my dream to have one.
I myself have like 5 shadow Phoenixes . The pet I want the most and almost have is a efreet pet with the normal Phoenix's may cast talents plus its original sunbird talent.
do you have a adult storm beetle? you can hatch with another one and get one it still gives you the storm beetle card to! glad i can help you get the rain beetle
do you have a adult storm beetle? you can hatch with another one and get one it still gives you the storm beetle card to! glad i can help you get the rain beetle
I used to really really want a Seraph or Frostcaller, but Seraph isn't rare anymore because of packs and Frostcaller is useless since I don't have a life mastery amulet to use the card.
Now I want... I don't know. Something rare. Something icy. I'll think of it soon.
I don't care what the pet looks like it as long as it has the talents i want. I have all 5 talents teen to mega that i want to unlock if anyone is willing to hatch that be just awesome.
I know my pet is good already but i just don't care for guardian wall. If anyone has the talents i want or at the very least the first 4 i want i'd be willing to arrange a hatching time and place.
I really want a Shadow Phoenix. :P I've always been looking around the Hatchery for a phoenix, but i can never find one . I have a epic Scarecrow, but no one will hatch with me.