Unleash your pets and let them roam throughout your Dorms, Castles & Lands!
Next time you decorate your house, you'll see a new Pets tab that allows you to choose and place pets. Pets will hang out near where you placed them, but they will also wander a little. Each Pet counts as an item in your housing inventory. Players can have up to 50 pets in a housing area at one time; that's 50 in a Dorm, 50 inside your Castle and 50 outside your Castle!
These pets will respond when you walk around your house and they will react to the clap, scold and dance emotes. Give it a try, and unleash your pets today!
OMG! I LOVE the pet feature at the house. The emotes are gloriously funny. When I scold my yellow ghost, he bows his head and looks like my dog when she does "shame-face". The dancing pets are so awesome. And they come to you when you clap. This will keep me entertained for quite some time. Thank you KI for making this happen. Right now my Flamezilla, Sir Chloe, and Stormzilla, Sir Cleo, are playing in the yard of my storm house. Sir Chloe keeps trying to burn the hedges but luckily Sir Cleo knows Tempest and can put out the fires.
I am having a ball and cannot wait for this to come to the live realm.
It sounds cool, but I have a question. The house I have is a forested mansion, and because of that, my question is are we able to place our pets on walkways of the houses, or are we only allowed to place them on the grass?
Thanks again, I can't wait to check it out, I'll bet it will be cool.
Now my wonderful Firecat, Lord Chase (my first pet), can finally stretch his legs out and get some much needed excersie, provided he doesn't set anything on fire. I wonder how I'll find my blue and yellow ghost pets, since they'll probably want to hide inside the walls.
The longer I play the test realm, the more cool this aspect of the update is. I love it when I come home and my piggle flys up the ramp to greet me. I never really even liked piggles and now I want one for every room, lol!
I want to Thank KI for so much fun. The Way the pets dance have given My family so many laughs :) We about had a blast watching the Skeletal Warrior dance for the very first time. ;)