Whenever one of my pet reaches the ancient teen and so on he gets garbage how do I get fairy pet talent
Are you starting with a pet that has this talent available in it's gene pool? Are you hatching with a pet that has fairy manifested already? That sometimes helps. Some times you have to hatch a few times before talents show up. It can be a long tedious procedure filled with a lot of disappointment.
Recently a person I know hatched with a friend who's pet had fairy, she got her dog back in the hatch and it manifested Fairy at teen and Spritely at adult. I hatched with this pet and my dog got myth trap at teen so we can see this is going no where good right out of the gate. I don't anticipate being nearly as lucky as she was with this. I am not looking forward to training all the way up only to get useless Spritely which could happen. Since Spritely seems to have been hosed on all my pets, I am now trying to get another more dependable health MC. I am not happy with all the time I spent on getting Spritely just to have it be a wasted talent.
First off, you need a pet that CAN learn Fairy, which for the most part means you need to hatch with someone who has a pet with Fairy Friend talent. That still doesn't guarantee learning it. Every pet gets 10 talents out of the 20 talents the parents have. They learn only 5. So it takes a lot of hatching to get all the talents you want.