Ok i have now spent a ton of gold hatching. I'm not complaining. I can actually get the gold for a hatch ie. 40 plus thousand in a day of dedicated play farming ravens.
Here is what i want to talk about.
My death grandmaster has a zombie that i have raised to epic because i thought he might get a card. No but he has developed helpful skills. He boost my death damade by 5% and my death accuracy by 6% plus may cast a death ward. He is far more helpful than my wraith without a card. I have the hardest hitting death that i have run across.
Also i'm finding better luck mixing when i use a second or greater generation pet. My plans now are to mix my school pets with these high DNA pets knowing that i will get my school pet back with a higher DNA. Raise that one up for my hatching parent. So far it has worked. I have a wraith now with a DNA of 55 and have only had good mixed hatches well only two so far but only two tries.
Share some of your pet hatch expierences here so others and myself might learn and share info. Thx.