For a while, there has been rumors of a frog pet somwhere in MB. Today, it was confirmed and I immediately went to fight Timmy Icepick ( he drops it :-) ) Got it on 3rd try, :D. The name is Ms. Otis ( :? I get a lot girl/boy names ) and he jumps around pretty awkwardly when I move, lol. Just confirming, you can go to Icepick in Chelsea court, he's not from a side quest either!
I finally got one last night after defeating Timmy over 150 times. The low pedigree was a small disappointment; his exuberant dance and run animations more than make up for it. I love my frog!
Yea, I helped 2 friends a while tonight, no luck for any of us. I must have been a magnet for the frog seeing as I got it on the 3rd try 8). And a "your welcome" to everyone who responded,
Aztek, the frog pet is new, it was a rumor for a long time since the new updates who dropped it, but this week it was discovered from Timmy Icepick and confirmed. I have a huge list already of pets and I check every one I get off