My death scarabd has STEADFAST as one of it's talents. The symbol is the same one used for mounts, the winged ankle with a +40 beside it.
What is this? It sure doesn't make my wizard any faster. I thought talents were for the Wizards benefit, but I'm not seeing any use for this at the moment. I guess it could be for the derby, but then I figure it should be in the other colum and not listed as a talent.
My death scarabd has STEADFAST as one of it's talents. The symbol is the same one used for mounts, the winged ankle with a +40 beside it.
What is this? It sure doesn't make my wizard any faster. I thought talents were for the Wizards benefit, but I'm not seeing any use for this at the moment. I guess it could be for the derby, but then I figure it should be in the other colum and not listed as a talent.
It boosts the pet's agility by the amount given. There are many of there 'stat boosting' talents. They boost the stats, and if you are real lucky, they will boost something that will effect another talent. I think that the stat boosts belong in the derby pool, as they more directly benefit from the stats...and from discussion with people in the game, very few use the derby.
The stats boosts do not belong in Derby. The stat boosts are what allow the bonus% of active Talents, like Death-Giver to increase beyond 6%. If you want Death-Giver to reach 10% or higher, you need two or more of the passive Talents, like Durable and Spirited.