What does that even mean? "Your pet gains morale by overcoming obstacles. You can spend that morale to cheer your pet and make it go faster, so spend it wisely!"
What is wisely? Its so vague what is the mechanice behind using the up arrow to cheer ? Am I supposed to just bang up up up up up all while racing or just one up or what? The info on this from wizard101 is just so vague someone clue us or at least me in. Also does training a pet really help? I swear some of my pets win more without any training as long as they have Big Hurry and are a teen. I have taken those same pets, trained them and now they seem slow and keep losing whereas when they were untrained and just a teen they were winning. What goes on when you enter a ranked race as a teen? Do you get put in with any other Teen or is it teaming you up with other Teens with close to the same abilities?
Lastly , been seeing ranked races where someone wins in one lap, the rest of us have to finish the race and do 2 laps, this is really horrible to have in a ranked race. Get rid of whatever lets those pets win in 1 lap , its not fair to anyone else trying to race as you state " all players race 2 laps" off your info page.
What does that even mean? "Your pet gains morale by overcoming obstacles. You can spend that morale to cheer your pet and make it go faster, so spend it wisely!"
What is wisely? Its so vague what is the mechanice behind using the up arrow to cheer ? Am I supposed to just bang up up up up up all while racing or just one up or what?
Each pet has different stats. One of your pets might have higher strength than agility...this translates over to higher or lower moral cost to cheer on the specific turf your pet is currently on. Higher strength means it costs less to cheer in water. Lower agility means it costs more morale to cheer on grass. Know your pet and which turfs they are more adept at being cheered on.
DrSparks wrote:
The info on this from wizard101 is just so vague someone clue us or at least me in. Also does training a pet really help? I swear some of my pets win more without any training as long as they have Big Hurry and are a teen. I have taken those same pets, trained them and now they seem slow and keep losing whereas when they were untrained and just a teen they were winning. What goes on when you enter a ranked race as a teen? Do you get put in with any other Teen or is it teaming you up with other Teens with close to the same abilities?
teen pets are matched with teen pets. adult with adult. etc. the matchups are completely random. It seems you are relying too much on Big Hurry to win. If you know your pets stats and use morale wisely you should be able to mash the up arrow for most of the race. Practice more I guess is what I'm saying. And again, training your pet will increase their stats which will make cheering use less morale on the respective turfs.
DrSparks wrote:
Lastly , been seeing ranked races where someone wins in one lap, the rest of us have to finish the race and do 2 laps, this is really horrible to have in a ranked race. Get rid of whatever lets those pets win in 1 lap , its not fair to anyone else trying to race as you state " all players race 2 laps" off your info page.
There are a couple of known gliches that seem to occur randomly. There is one that causes a pet to "fly" off the course and put them ahead by half a lap. This has happened to me a couple times but is not reproducable Another glich is where it appears someone is disconnected then reconnected 1 lap ahead. This has never happened to me so I can't tell you if this is random or reproducable. There is also a couple pet abilities that is supposed to warp you to the next pet ahead (I can't remember what they are called). I haven't had a chance to try them out yet...but I'm sure they are NOT intended to warp you all the way around the track. My guess is that it is a glich of some sort.