i am just so unhappy and constantly get downed by getting orthrus after orthrus after othrus :( i have just done my 9th orthrus hatch all of them have been with lvl 48 pets and i got ANOTHER othrus. i now have 10 orthrus with nothing to do with them but sell for 400 gold
It all has to do with luck. I have hatched my orthrus on my myth character several times and only came out with another orthrus. On the other hand, my balance has also hatched with the orthrus and gotten several hybrids. My balance character just seems to be luckier than my other characters. If you have another character with enough gold, try putting the orthrus in your shared bank and then into the other's backpack to hatch. You do not have to have the pet equipped to hatch, only have an adult in your backpack. Good luck!
yep, i have tried with my orthrus on my storm character and my life person and just keep on failing, and like you said with your hydra and balance person the same happens with my storm person, he gets stormzilla hybrids but my myth person doesnt