Is there a way to hatch a rain beetle othe rthan hatching form someone who has it? I read on a website that you can get it by hatching a storm beetle with any other pet, but it didnt work. i have a sorm beetle.
Is there a way to hatch a rain beetle othe rthan hatching form someone who has it? I read on a website that you can get it by hatching a storm beetle with any other pet, but it didnt work. i have a sorm beetle.
Cole Duneurnnner Lvl 90 Promethean Sorcerer
Weeeeellll, I think the Rain Beetle was from playing Grub guardian in like... last year! The only way is to hatch it with someone else. It may cost allot but if its good, its worth the gold!
Weeeeellll, I think the Rain Beetle was from playing Grub guardian in like... last year! The only way is to hatch it with someone else. It may cost allot but if its good, its worth the gold!
Valkoor GoldSong lvl 83
That was the storm beetle.
And the 'hatch storm beetle with any pet thing' works. It's how I got mine.