I have heard wizards have pets that may cast swarm snow serpent and more I am lvl 68 myth named Paul dragontheif if anyone has a pet that may cast an attack spell please hatch with me
I have heard wizards have pets that may cast swarm snow serpent and more I am lvl 68 myth named Paul dragontheif if anyone has a pet that may cast an attack spell please hatch with me
The only 2 talents that ever claimed to be May Cast attacks are "Snow 'N Tell" and "Cloud O'Bugs" that were posted on the wizard central wiki, they were both posted in July 2011 and neither list a pet that actually has the talent. My guess is that these talents were a failed test realm experiment. As far as I know there aren't any may cast attack talents in any pets currently in the game.
The only 2 talents that ever claimed to be May Cast attacks are "Snow 'N Tell" and "Cloud O'Bugs" that were posted on the wizard central wiki, they were both posted in July 2011 and neither list a pet that actually has the talent. My guess is that these talents were a failed test realm experiment. As far as I know there aren't any may cast attack talents in any pets currently in the game.
Right...partly. there aren't any first gen pets(non hatched) with those talents, but there are hatched pets that have those talents. My friend's pet has Cloud o Bugs.
Right...partly. there aren't any first gen pets(non hatched) with those talents, but there are hatched pets that have those talents. My friend's pet has Cloud o Bugs.
If that's true, then everything known about pet hatching is wrong, and all evidence is that pets only learn talents from parents "DNA". I find it extremely convenient that in 2 years since this supposed talent came out, not one person has been able to post a screenshot of a pet with the talent. It's always a friend or a friend of a friend says they have it. Why has no one ever been able to see this "talent"?
I have cloud o bugs as a talent for a few of my pets. Dont remember how I got it but it comes in handy every once and a while
Upon further research, the talent exists in the wild still. The only way to get it is hatching with someone who has it. It's from a KI mistake. The pets were retired, but the talent already spread. I personally wouldn't want my pet wasting blades and feints/traps with little attacks. I could see that it might be useful in pvp situations, clearing towers and weakness without using school blades/traps. Good luck to OP in finding a a hatching mate.
Cloud O bugs (may cast locust swarm) and Snow N Tell (may cast snow serpent) do exist. I know cause i have both talents on my pets. I can give you a hatch with the locust swarm unfortunately the snow serpent isnt for hatch cause i intend to keep the talent super rare but i can show you the pet so you know it actually does exist
i was just reading this thread earlier today and thought nothing of it. When i was roaming around DS some guy asked me to hatch. When i looked at his stats, he had may cast locust swarm! I hatched with him and got the talent i can so for a fact that it is a real talent. If anyone thinks i am lying, then lets meet up so i can prove it Jacob Darkbringer Grandmaster