Hi, I have some pets that I will put up for the offer of hatching. Please do the same and describe the pets you will be offering here. I want to benefit from this too, so I might not hatch with you if you place an offer... apologies in advance.
Red Ghost (Hybrid) (Mega) (5th G) (Death) Pedigree49 (25) TalentsMana Gift, Spritely, Death Giver, Death Proof, Death Trap Stats225 Strength, 250 Intellect, 220 Agility, 232 Will, 150 Power Cards 1 Red Ghost card at Ancient... 2 at Epic... 3 at Mega.
Ianthine Specter (Mega) (1st G) (Death) Pedigree58 (29) TalentsPip 'O Plenty, Death Shot, Astute, Death Giver, Death Trap Stats190 Strength, 300 Intellect, 200 Agility, 240 Will, 250 Power Cards 1 Reanimate at Baby.
I would love to hatch with you if you would like. I don't have much to offer unfortunately, I'm happy with any pet you want to hatch with. I have a adult Forest Beast, I'll post the stats if you are interested. Just let me know and we'll set up a time and realm. Thank You!!!
Also, if you're interested I will get any of other pets to a adult or up for you, let me know what pet you want, I have several rare pets that aren't adults quite yet. Can you maybe let me know what you're looking for?