Sadly, there is no actual way of making your pet cast more. I hear people going on around saying that saying good girl/boy in text/chat menu will boost your pet's chances of healing more ion battle. But that's not actually true. Unfortunately, your pet will only heal if they want to or not. Some pets like to heal a lot of the time, others, not so much. So try to hatch with a pet that heals a lot, but It'll probably not work.
it's on percentage everytime someone gets hit the rate increases by 5% so if in a battle in one turn you got hurt 5 times there is a 25% chance it'll cast it it also counts on healing and other getting damaged so lets say you got healed twice you and you friend got hit once each and you attacked 2 enimies you chance will increase to 40%.
I guess it depends on the MC. Example, I have a pet with Myth Trap MC, it seems after I cast a wand spell on a monster the pet activates a Myth Trap on it. I have a pet with Fire Shield, after I take a fire spell hit from a monster it puts a Fire Shield on me. Either are not always but often enough to see a pattern.
Healing spells are now all over the walls on when and if they MC. Over several pets with several healing type MC's all seem to be to seldom and pets can no longer be an asset for me. In terms of least to most I can say Healing Current is pretty much down to never, Fairy Friend now and then, Unicorn more then Fairy Friend and Spritely, altho way less then it used to be, casts the most. This is what I have observed in blocks of 2-6 hrs. of game play. Some of my pets that used to cast a pretty regular Spritely don't cast it at all any more such as my Life's Forest Lord pet.
Bottom line here is - pets are really too unpredictable to depend on MC. I will say the new lack of healing with pets has changed my game play a bit, now that I can use the return button, I accept defeat as part of the way I plan a fight - how many vials I have full is now more important then what pet I have equipped.
Still it's a little disappointing to have finally gotten all the healing spells in my pets pools only to have them rendered somewhat useless.
it's on percentage everytime someone gets hit the rate increases by 5% so if in a battle in one turn you got hurt 5 times there is a 25% chance it'll cast it it also counts on healing and other getting damaged so lets say you got healed twice you and you friend got hit once each and you attacked 2 enimies you chance will increase to 40%.
i hoped this helped
Why post complete fiction? There's not a single true part in that statement. MC spells all have different triggers and there's no percentage increase over a battle. There's a chance algorithm based off the trigger. MC healing are triggered by any action by anyone, MC Pierce is triggered by anyone casting a trap on an enemy or by a shield being cast on them, MC Blades are triggered by a successful attack... They all have different triggers that MAY cause them to cast. There's no increase in chances over the course of a fight. The more triggers the better your chances is all. That is why healing pets trigger more often in full parties with other healing pets.