Took tree accounts into Oakheart and farm for the trent pet. one account got 3 pet drops and the other two none, I farmed for about two days and into each night stopping to eat and to do other things, but i was at the Game 90% of the time. I did not need the pets on my account that got tree drops so i sold them, as hard as they were to get 200 in gold is not much, But what has me concerned is the other two accounts that didn't get a single pet drop. The plus to all this, I have about filled all my wizards up with gold from selling the drops they got. Would rather have gotten the pet. There is something out of balance in the pet drops or my other two accounts would have gotten least a drop with all the hours farming. One account got tree drops and the others none, something is not right.
Took tree accounts into Oakheart and farm for the trent pet. one account got 3 pet drops and the other two none, I farmed for about two days and into each night stopping to eat and to do other things, but i was at the Game 90% of the time. I did not need the pets on my account that got tree drops so i sold them, as hard as they were to get 200 in gold is not much, But what has me concerned is the other two accounts that didn't get a single pet drop. The plus to all this, I have about filled all my wizards up with gold from selling the drops they got. Would rather have gotten the pet. There is something out of balance in the pet drops or my other two accounts would have gotten least a drop with all the hours farming. One account got tree drops and the others none, something is not right.
What I usually do when that happens is hatch with the account that got the pet until the account that didn't get the pet gets it.
I rarely need a 1st generation pet so this works fine for me.