I think ive set a record and i would like to call it the perfect pet week, its when you get a pet on sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday. friday, and saturday. I have achieved that feet by achieving the life banshee, the storm snowman, the minotaur, the treant, the queen spider, the myth leprechaun, and last but not least the life bat. if anyone else has done this I would like to know what pets you got?
You didn't tell us how many hours you spent farming each boss. Did you get any sleep at all? I mean, if I could spend eight hours a day I think I might get a pet each day too.
Did you have that super kind of luck that lets you get a pet in the first ten battles?
Impressive! My ice wizard got a sun bird, life banshee, death troll, life bat, myth sprite, dark sprite and life scarab, but it took three days. Better than any thing on my grand!