at first i LOVED owning tons of dragons and pets! then the update came before the update i seen that the life sprite pet was at rattle bones so i was trying to get it. then it went live i got the only pet rattle bones drops A STUPID MYTH SPRITE now i'm stuck with two of them if i could i would sell it a t the bazaar so A LEVEL ONE PLAYER AN HAVE IT! and i loved pets at the bazaar because it gives NEW PLAYERS A CHANCE TO HAVE A ULTRA RARE PET! i mean it not like they can just go battle lord nightshade to get ONE dark sprite insted they an go to the bazaar to get one BUT they have to get defeated a hundred times and when they do win they GET SOMETHING DUMB LIKE A PEANUT OR A PIECE OF BROCLIE COVERED WITH CHEASE
i give most of the update these the rest like talantes
Zachary LegendHeart lvl33 nice ice master pet hunter