I currently have a Tree Serpent with unicorn and sprite, I have yet to decide if i want her to be a fire or a life pet. If any one has a school specific pet (fire damage or life damage) reply to this! I'm dying for her to be school specific for one of my wizards.
I have an adult fennec fox whose pedigree is 75(13) and has fire damage, it was a mix of a velociraptor and my friend's fennec fox. So far, it okay since she's only adult.
hi alyssa i have a fire pet that i am very proud of its not actually a fire pet its a balance flying squirrel but it has fire talents in its talent pool it has spell proof (9 resist) spell defy (5 resist) fire dealer (8 damage) pain giver (6 damage) and may cast spritely its stat line isnt the best but its talents are very good in my opinionso if you would like to hatch we can meet up some time i rarely use my fire anymore cause he's maxed and i dont pvp on that particular character anymore so i normally am very generous when it comes to hatches with it