Hello! I am wondering my ice salamanders DNA code 32 and Kroks 34 I hatched them together and got a ice salamander with a DNA code of 33 I was wondering what is the diffrence?
Hello! I am wondering my ice salamanders DNA code 32 and Kroks 34 I hatched them together and got a ice salamander with a DNA code of 33 I was wondering what is the diffrence?
Long answer: A Pet's pedigree score is based on the 10 potential talents that it has listed as it's 'inheritance'. If you compare both ice salamanders side by side, the talent values will be slightly different.
This is because the Gen 2 Salamander has some of the higher pedigree Krok's talents. Whether any of them will actively present, or if any of them will be valuable to your character is a whole other debate.