ok so i am a storm wizard and i have a stormzilla pet i want to get the Leviathan hybrid pet not the one you get at lvl 98!! the one were you mix stormzila mix with the hydra ,, but how do i get it i don't want a another stormzilla i just want to know is there a type of way to mix them and i get the Leviathan hybrid or is it only for balance school
pleas tell me so i don't have to waste money to find out all i want to know is that if i find a person with a hydra pet and breed my stormzilla with it will i get the Leviathan hybrid
ps if you don't know what i am talking about here is the link.
If you hatch your Stormzilla with a Hydra, you MAY get the Levy hybrid or another Stormzilla from the hatch. You can also hatch your Stormzilla with the Levy hybrid you want; you MAY get the Levy hybrid or another Stormzilla from this type of hatch also. There's no guarantee of getting a hybrid.
Ok but I really want this pet it would be the perfect storm pet for me guess i better save up some cash I am new at this hybrid thing so i was just looking up storm hybrids and seen the to differnet leveys so i clicked one and it brought me to the lvl 98 storm pet then i clicked the other one and it brought me to a purple hydra and i was like ''I want it!!'' so just wanted to know is it avalible for me to hatch and get or only the balance wizard can get???????
not interested in getting stormzilla hybrids i just want a mean looking pet and this the one
One way I'm pretty sure would work would be to force hatch one. Move your hydra to a different wizard (Not balance or storm.) That wizard can't equip it but I'm pretty sure he can hatch with it. Since that wizard can't receive either pet it would force it to make the leviathan. Since I have never tried this I can't guarantee you can do it. Hopefully someone who has done this can confirm.
That Levy hybrid is not restricted to Balance school only. You could get it by hatching your Stormzilla with a Hydra or the Levy hybrid itself. If you do a Stormzilla/Hydra hatch you could also get a different hybrid called a Fatezilla, which is a Balance version of Stormzilla that's not school restricted.
Unfortunately, there is no way guarantee you'll get the pet you want on the first hatch. You may get lucky immediately or it may take a bunch of hatches. My necromancer wanted a Shadow Phoenix (Scarecrow/Phoenix hybrid) once upon a time; it took three hatches with a friend's Shadow Phoenix to get it.