I tried hatching a pet twice if a friend.both time i got the same thing i used to hatch which was the Ice Colossus and Stormzilla.The first time We tried it My friend got Icezilla and I just got the Ice Colossus.The second Time we tried we both got Our same Pet except that it took my pet i used to hatch with which was the Ice Colossus which was named (Elvis)sorry buddy i miss you.
I have read thur the forum and it says you cant hatch what you can't equip a pet from another school well i'm an ice wizard and i can equip the Ice Colossus and icezilla so what's the deal here and also lost one of my main pets for a downgraded pet.so total i lost one pet and 88,000 gold this is not kewl at all.and to top it off my son still hasn't got his level 50 fire boots that i reported a couple of weeks ago.we are both starting to lose interest in wizard 101.which not kewl because we both love this game but it seem we are starting to get ripped now.
I would appreciate some feedback on My Ice Colossus being taken and Won't be hatching anything ever again.I learn my lesson with that.
The first time we tried it my friend got Icezilla and I just got the Ice Colossus.
You should expect to Hatch 4 times before getting the Hybird you want - might take more times than that. Odds for a Hybrid are less than 25%.
The second time we tried we both got our same pet except that it took my pet I used to hatch with which was the Ice Colossus which was named (Elvis) sorry buddy I miss you. If true, speak with customer service.
I have read thru the forum and it says you cant hatch what you can't equip a pet from another school well I'm an ice wizard and I can equip the Ice Colossus and Icezilla so what's the deal here. It's very common to take more than 4 Hatches to get a Hybrid.
to top it off my son still hasn't got his level 50 fire boots that I reported a couple of weeks ago. Farming those boots could take quite a while.
wow Thank You for replying so fast and Elvis is back in the house
Once again Thank You bcbdla will keep working on the Frostzilla then.keep calling it Icezilla just to find out it's called Frostzilla and the level 50 Fire Boots Me and My Son just gave up on getting them.for now anyway